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Roteiro para elaboração de projetos de recuperação florestal para o Fundo Estadual de Recursos Hídricos - Fehidro (Guide for elaboration of forest recovery for the State Water Resources Fund - Fehidro)Open access copy available |
Normas jurídicas para restauração ecológica: uma barreira a mais a dificultar o êxito das iniciativas? (Juridical norms to ecological restoration: one more barrier to encumber success of initiatives?)Open access copy available |
Economic Botany of Spondias PurpureabackgroundThis article reviews the Neotropical fruit Spondias purpurea (Anacardiaceae) - "Ciruela" or "Ovo", describing the cultivation, yields, and economics of the fruit. Available with subscription or purchase |
Fruit Production of the Ungurahua Palm (Oenocarpus bataua subsp. bataua, Arecaceae) in an Indigenous Managed ReservebackgroundThis article reviews the biology and use of the Amazonian palm Oenocarpus batua, known in Ecuador as ungurahua. It is a mid-story palm that grows throughout the terra firme sites in the Amazon Basin and wet coastal areas of Ecuador, Trinidad, and Panama. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restauração florestal: do diagnóstico de degradação ao uso de indicadores ecológicos para o monitoramento das ações (Forest restoration: from the diagnostics of degradation to the use of ecological indicators in the monitoring of actions)Open access copy available |
Indigenous Community-Based Forestry in the Bolivian Lowlands: Some Basic Challenges for CertificationbackgroundOpen access copy available |
Amelioration of degraded rain forest soils by plantations of native treesbackgroundWhile much has been studied about the ability of tree growth to improve degraded soils in temperate zones, less is known about the impacts of tree growth on degraded soils in tropical zones. Available with subscription or purchase |
Soil macrofauna and litter nutrients in three tropical tree plantations on a disturbed site in Puerto RicoBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Tree species effects on soil properties in experimental plantations in tropical moist forestBackgroundForest soil properties are influenced by the complex interactions of vegetation, soil type, geology, management, and climactic patterns. Tree species can differ in their long-term effects on soils. This study resamples one of the earliest replicated experimental sites at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica, used to examine the effects of native tropical tree species on soil properties, to examine longer term effects on soil properties. Open access copy available |
Payments for Environmental Services through the Local Lens: Preliminary evidences from the “Bolsa Floresta” Program in the Brazilian AmazonBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Soil carbon differences among forest, agriculture, and secondary vegetation in lower montane EcuadorBackgroundChanges in land use and land cover may affect soil properties and processes. Conversion of forest to cultivation is assumed to result in a decrease in soil nutrients. In the lower montane region of Ecuador, shifting cultivation patterns mean that forest clearing is occurring simultaneously with recolonization of secondary vegetation on abandoned agricultural lands. Open access copy available |
Effects of forest clearing and succession on the carbon and nitrogen content of soils in Puerto Rico and US Virgin IslandsBackgroundConversion of tropical forest lands to agriculture or pasture affects soil organic matter, moisture, and nutrients. This study examines the effects on soil carbon, nitrogen, and moisture at depths up to 100 cm of conversion from forest to agriculture and pasture. Available with subscription or purchase |
Sobrevivência em viveiro de mudas de espécies nativas retiradas da regeneração natural de remanescente florestal (Survival in nursery of native species sapling obtained from natural regeneration of forest fragments)Open access copy available |
Using ecosystem valuation to protect the Atlantic Rainforest: the case of the Oasis ProjectBackgroundThe article explores the Oasis Project, which is a payment for ecosystem services program that aims to protect the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. The program was established in 1990 in response to the destruction of the forest. The Oasis Project aims to provide drinking water to approximately 17 million in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region by financially compensating landowners engaged in maintaining forest cover in their proprieties. Available with subscription or purchase |
Marco regulatório sobre pagamento por serviços ambientais no Brasil (Regulatory framework of payment for ecosystem services in Brazil)Open access copy available |
Estimativas de biomassa e carbono e indicadores para restauração de florestas secundárias em Paragominas, Pará (Biomass and carbon estimates and indicators for the restoration of secondary forests in Paragominas, Para)Open access copy available |
Restauração e monitoramento da mata ciliar e da reserva legal para a certificação agrícola: conservação da biodiversidade na cafeitura (Restoration e monitoring of riparian forests and legal reserve for agricultural certification)Open access copy available |
Deep Soil Moisture Storage and Transpiration in Forests and Pastures of Seasonally-Dry AmazoniabackgroundThis study, conducted in the seasonal rainforest of Northern Brazil (Para), compares re-growth of pasture, mature forest, and natural forest (capoeira). Available with subscription or purchase |
Recuperación estructural en bosques sucesionales andinos de Porce, Antioquia, Colombia (Structural recuperation in secondary successional Andean forests in Porce, Antioquia, Colombia)EspañolAntecedentesDurante décadas los bosques de la región de Porce (Antioquia, Colombia) han sido talados y quemados para establecer fincas ganaderas y, en menor proporción, agricultura. Este tipo de prácticas pudieron ser decisivas para el proceso sucesional del sitio, ya que la degradación producida en el suelo pudo afectar las características estructurales de la vegetación secundaria establecida. Open access copy available |
Restoring dense vegetation can slow mountain erosion to near natural benchmark levelsBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |