Biodiversity Persistence in Highly Human-modified Tropical Landscapes Depends on Ecological Restoration

Biodiversity Persistence in Highly Human-modified Tropical Landscapes Depends on Ecological Restoration


This paper shows how forest restoration can enhance biodiversity using case studies from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. 

Conclusions & Takeaways

Ecological restoration helps to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem resilience in highly fragmented landscapes. Some models of restoration such as as agroforestry systems incorporate biodiversity maintenance, ecosystem services enhancement, and food production; these support sustainable socio-economic development. Conservation policies should include restoration strategies to mitigate species extinction and to support the recovery of biodiverse landscapes.



Brancalion PHS, Melo FPL, Tabarelli M, Rodrigues RR. Biodiversity Persistence in Highly Human-Modified Tropical Landscapes Depends on Ecological Restoration. Tropical Conservation Science. 2013;6:705–710. doi:10.1177/194008291300600601.


  • Department of Forestry, University of São Paulo (ESALQ).
  • Department of Botany, Federal University of Pernambuco