Complementary ecosystem services from multiple land uses highlight the importance of tropical mosaic landscapesBackgroundTropical agricultural landscapes feature a mosaic of diverse land uses, yet the ecosystem service bundles and materials they provide to rural households remain poorly understood. In northeastern Madagascar, shifting cultivation for hillside rice production and agroforests for cash and subsistence crops have largely replaced old-growth forests. The landscape consists of forest fragments, small-scale vanilla agroforests, rice paddies, and subsistence farming plots at various stages of the shifting cultivation cycle. Open access copy available |
Foresters' beliefs about farmers: a priority for social science research in social forestryBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Agrosilvopastoral Systems: A Practical Approach Toward Sustainable AgricultureBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Erythrina (Leguminosae: Papilionoideae): A Versatile Genus for Agroforestry Systems in the Tropics.BackgroundThe genus Erythrina (Leguminosae) plays a crucial role in tropical agroforestry systems. These trees are adaptable and widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, with over 100 species globally. Erythrina species are known for their rapid growth, nitrogen-fixing capability, and adaptability to various environments, including low-fertility soils. Historically, they have been integrated into agricultural systems as shade trees, live fences, and forage sources. The diverse ecological benefits of Erythrina highlight its importance in addressing food security, environmental conservation, and rural livelihoods in tropical regions. Open access copy available |
The tree planting and protecting culture of cattle ranchers and small-scale agriculturalists in rural Panama: Opportunities for reforestation and land restorationBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Reflexiones sobre los sistemas silvopastorilesBackground:Los sistemas silvopastoriles (SSP) combinan árboles, pasturas, y ganado en un mismo espacio, promoviendo interacciones biológicas que maximizan el uso de la tierra. Representan una estrategia agroforestal para integrar la producción ganadera con la mitigación del cambio climático, al reducir gases de efecto invernadero y rehabilitar áreas degradadas por prácticas extensivas de baja productividad. Open access copy available |
Peasants, agroforesters, and anthropologists: A 20-year venture in income-generating trees and hedgerows in HaitiBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Committed to restoring tropical forests: an overview of Brazil's and Indonesia's restoration targets and policiesBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Leveraging the value chain-landscape governance nexus for non-wood forest products and tropical forest restorationBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Forty Years of Tropical Forest Recovery from Agriculture: Structure and Floristics of Secondary and Old-growth Riparian Forests in the Dominican RepublicBACKGROUND:The value of secondary forests in the tropics has received increased attention in recent years. The recovery of tropical forests from agricultural use, given the increase in abandoned agricultural lands, has gained momentum. Yet, few long-term studies of post-agriculture vegetation recovery in the tropics exist. The study compares 40-year-old secondary forests regenerating naturally after agricultural abandonment with old-growth forests in the Dominican Republic's Cordillera Central. Available with subscription or purchase |