Species Characteristics
Soil organic carbon pool under native tree plantations in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa RicaBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Biodiversity conservation in Costa Rica: a correspondence analysis between identifi ed biodiversity hotspots (Araceae, Arecaceae, Bromeliaceae, and Scarabaeinae) and conservation priority life zonesBackgroundOpen access copy available |
The soil C pool in different agroecosystems derived from the dry tropical forest of Guanacaste, Costa RicaBACKGROUND:Seasonally dry tropical forests, constituting 42% of all tropical forests, are critically endangered, with less than 0.1% protected in Pacific Mesoamerica. The preservation of these forests is severely threatened by the invasive, highly flammable grass Hyparrhenia rufa, which has aggressively colonized the area since the 1940s. The paper focuses on examining soil carbon pools across various ecosystems derived from these forests in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, emphasizing the urgent need for comprehensive research on their soil carbon dynamics. Available with subscription or purchase |
Publicaciones del Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica (Peru)El Centro de Innovación Científica Amazónica (CINCIA) genera conocimiento científico e integra este conocimiento para elaborar iniciativas de gestión ambiental para promover el desarrollo sostenible y, cuando sea necesario, la restauración y la reforestación en la Amazonia peruana. -- The Center for Amazonian Scientific Innovation (CINCIA) generates scientific knowledge and integrates this knowledge to craft environmental management initiatives to promote sustainable development and, where needed, restoration and reforestation in the Peruvian Amazon. Open access copy available |
Repositorio Institucional del IIAP - Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía PeruanaReportes y avances técnicos de Investigación desarrollados por los proyectos y áreas especializadas del IIAP - Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana. -- Reports and technical research advances developed by specialized areas and projects of IIAP. Open access copy available |
Propagación vegetativa de bambú nativo en la Amazonía PeruanaLos bambúes pertenecen a una de las 12 subfamilias de la familia Poaceae. En el Perú, tres especies, presentan potencial de uso: Guadua lynnclarkiae Londoño; Guadua weberbaueri Pilg; y Guadua superba Huber. Todas ellas encuentran su habitat en la zona andina y amazonica del Peru: entre los departamentos de San Martín, Amazonas, Cusco, Huánuco, Junín, Loreto, Madre de Dios, Pasco y Ucayali. No obstante, existen aun vacios de informacion acerca de sus formas de multiplicación, Open access copy available |
Descripción de cuatro especies maderables de bosques del distrito Molinopampa, Amazonas - Perú para producción en viveros forestalesLa determinación correcta de las características botánicas de las especies maderables es escencial antes de inicial cualquier proceso de instalación de plantaciones forestales. Este reporte se enfoca en cuatro especies maderables: Alnus acuminata, Cedrela odorata, Gordonia fruticosa y Solanum pseudosycophant debido a su importancia económica y las múltiples posibilidades de utilización por parte de los reforestadores industriales y campesinos. Open access copy available |
Large carbon sink potential of secondary forests in the Brazilian Amazon to mitigate climate changeBackground:With the Brazilian Amazon being a region of global significance for its carbon storage potential, there is a growing need to understand the dynamics of secondary forest regrowth and its implications for carbon sequestration. Previous studies have laid the groundwork for understanding the broad-scale patterns of secondary forest regrowth, but there is a need for a more detailed and spatially explicit analysis that considers both environmental and anthropogenic drivers of regrowth. The urgency to address this knowledge gap is further underscored by the commitment to national and international climate targets. Open access copy available |
Do primary rainforest tree species recruit into passively and actively restored tropical rainforest?BackgroundIn many restoration projects, recruitment is dominated by a low diversity of regionally-abundant pioneer species and species with small, easily dispersed seeds. These species are characteristic of secondary rainforest and do not include the far more diverse suite of species characteristic of the original, primary rainforest. As restoring ecosystem processes is one of the central goals of restoration, this raises the question of which, if any, of the available rainforest restoration methods may be used to promote the recruitment of primary rainforest species. Available with subscription or purchase |
The effect of ecological restoration methods on carbon stocks in the Brazilian Atlantic ForestBackgroundThere is a critical need for effective ecological restoration strategies in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, one of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots globally, with extensive areas degraded due to human activities such as deforestation and land use change. Especifically, to understanding how different restoration methods impact carbon sequestration in this ecosystem and promote the recovery of this vital ecosystem. Available with subscription or purchase |