Effect of Site Preparation and Initial Fertilization on the Establishment and Growth of Four Plantation Tree Species used in Reforestation of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Dominated Grasslands

Effect of Site Preparation and Initial Fertilization on the Establishment and Growth of Four Plantation Tree Species used in Reforestation of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. Dominated Grasslands


This study describes site preparation techniques for the regeneration of four native tree species in Imperata cylindrica- dominated areas of South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Goals & Methods

Two trials were run. The first one examined the effects of strip plowing and complete plowing on the performance of Acaca mangium. The second trial compared the effects of complete plowing, herbicide treatment and fertilization (NPK) on four tree species commonly use in Imperata grassland reforestation.

Conclusions & Takeaways

Complete plowing (grass removal) is the most effective site preparation method to favor tree survivorship and growth due to I. cyclindrica's tendency to laterally spread and quickly invade plowed strips of land. NPK fertilization favored seedling growth but the authors stress the need for further research on the long-lasting effects of fertilization.



OTSAMO A, ÅDJERS G, Hadi TSasmito, Kuusipalo J, Tuomela K, Vuokko R. Effect of site preparation and initial fertilization on the establishment and growth of four plantation tree species used in reforestation of Imperata cylindrica (L.) Beauv. dominated grasslands. Forest Ecology and Management. 1995;73:271–277. doi:10.1016/0378-1127(94)03483-d.


  • Enso Forest Development, Reforestation and Tropical Forest Management Project, Indonesia
  • Balai Teknologi Reboisasi Banjarbarurbaru, Indonesia
  • Enso Forest Development, Finland