A Guide to the Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM)
This guide presents an introduction to Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM), a tool for countries to evaluate areas for restauration of forest landscapes and identify priority areas. It provides steps for forest land restoration (FLR) preparation and planning, data collection, analysis of results, policy recommendations and implementation.
Goals & Approach
The guide is targeted at three main groups: those who are commissioning an assessment, those who are conducting one, and those who are contributing to an assessment. It reviews the six main components of ROAM and offers suggestions on ways to combine and sequence them.
Reported Takeaways
The linked guide is a 'road-test' edition published in 2014. The authors expected to published a revise version on a later date that incorporated the learning from the first edition.
IUCN and WRI (2014). A Guide to Restoration Opportunities Assessment Methodology (ROAM): Assessing forest landscape restoration opportunities at the national or sub-national level. Working paper (road test edition). [online] Gland, Suisse : IUCN. Accessible at: https://www.iucn.org/theme/forests/our-work/forest-landscape-restoration/restoration-opportunities-assessment-methodology [Accessed 2 Nov. 2016].
- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- World Resources Institute (WRI)
- The Global Partnership on Forest Restoration
- Bonn Challenge 2011