Linking Multiple-Level Tree Traits with Biomass Accumulation in Native Tree Species used for Reforestation in Panama

Linking Multiple-Level Tree Traits with Biomass Accumulation in Native Tree Species used for Reforestation in Panama


This research presents the links between biomass accumulation, plant traits, and functional groups for five native species in abandoned pasture of central Panama.

Reserach Goals & Methods

Allometric equations were used to estimate total biomass accumulation and biomass allocation to branches and roots. To assess the efficiency of resource capture and use, plant traits evaluated were leaf gas exchange, leaf mass per area, nitrogen concentration, and leaf carbon isotope ratios. For 1-year-old seedlings, biomass was significantly related to traits that improved above-ground growth and photosynthesis. For 3-year-old saplings, biomass was more strongly related to traits that improved water uptake and use.

Conclusions & Takeaways

From the perspective of carbon accumulation, plantations of Cedrela odorata, Luehea seemannii, and Hura crepitans demonstrated potential to perform well while also having the potential to maintain greater diversity of species and ecological functions. No significant differences in growth and biomass accumulation were found between species classified as pioneers and not-pioneers. The authors assert that comparing species, not functional groups, would be more useful when looking for species with high performance and biomass accumulation for use in plantation sites.



Delagrange S, Potvin C, Messier C, Coll L. Linking multiple-level tree traits with biomass accumulation in native tree species used for reforestation in Panama. Trees. 2007;22:337–349. doi:10.1007/s00468-007-0189-0.


  • The Centre for Forest Research (CFR), Universite du Quebeca Montreal Montreal, QC, Canada
  • Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
  • Department of Biology, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada
  • Centre Tecnolo`gic Forestal de Catalunya, Solsona, Spain
  • Institut quebecois d’Amenagement de la Foret feuillue, Canada