Memorias del I Congreso Colombiano de Restauración Ecológica
These proceedings summarize the 11 Master Conferences at the "I Congreso Colombiano de Restauración Ecológica y II Simposio de Nacional de Experiencias en Restauración" in 2009. It includes information from dozens of forest restoration projects in Colombia. Most projects are restoration experiements with native species forest restoration in the montane zone of Colombia, although some reports describe projects in lowland humid forest, dry forest, and high mountain páramo.
Reported Takeaways
Most studies were written by members of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, the Universidad Javeriana (in Colombia), and the Secretaria Distrital de Medio Ambiente de Bogota. Many studies describe the seedbank, historic vegetation, and soil characteristics of potential and active restoration projects. Some studies describe the community relations and social context of recently initiated restoration projects.
Memorias del I Congreso Colombiano de Restauración Ecológica. (2011). Orlando Vargas Ríos y Sandra Paola Reyes B. (Editores). Grupo de Restauración Ecológica, Universidad Nacional de Colombia / Red Colombiana de Restauración Ecológica / ACCEFYN.