Nitrogen Dynamics of Actinorhizal Casuarina Forest Stands and its Comparison with Alnus and Leucaena Forests

Nitrogen Dynamics of Actinorhizal Casuarina Forest Stands and its Comparison with Alnus and Leucaena Forests


Nitrogen plays a key role in soil fertility and plant productivity. Therefore, in regions in which deforestation has increasingly led to savannization and desertification, afforestation by fast-growing, n-fixing tree species is preferable. This study examines the characteristics of nitrogen fixing trees. 

Research Goals & Methods

The nitrogen retention rates of three dry tropical forest tree species were measured, by examining rates of N cycling through vegetation, litter and soil pools.

Conclusions & Takeaways

Casuarina equisetofolia had the highest rates of N retention and fastest recycling of the N from leaf litter decomposition, back into its tissues thanks to stronger association with mycorrhizal nitrogen-fixing fungi.



Srivastava AK, Ambasht RS. Nitrogen deposition in Casuarina equisetifolia (Forst.) plantation stands in the dry tropics of Sonbhadra, India. Forest Ecology and Management. 1994;70:341–348. doi:10.1016/0378-1127(94)90099-x.


  • Department of Botany, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India