Tropical Dry Forest
Forest concessions in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala: A decade laterBACKGROUND:Over the past few decades, there has been a significant shift in conservation strategies from traditional command-and-control approaches to more inclusive, community-focused philosophies. This transition was driven by the recognition of the failures of strict protectionism, which often led to diminished ecological and institutional resilience. Simultaneously, the recognition of rural communities as both impacted by and impactful within natural systems has grown, advocating for incentive-based, participatory strategies to address human-environment conflicts effectively. Available with subscription or purchase |
Los bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos: ¿una prueba ácida para la restauración?BackgroundEl artículo explora los desafíos y avances en la restauración de bosques tropicales estacionalmente secos (BTES), uno de los ecosistemas más amenazados y menos estudiados del mundo. Aunque ocupan un 40% de las zonas tropicales, los BTES enfrentan altas tasas de deforestación, presión humana y vulnerabilidad al cambio climático, lo que subraya la necesidad urgente de estrategias efectivas de restauración. Open access copy available |
The tree planting and protecting culture of cattle ranchers and small-scale agriculturalists in rural Panama: Opportunities for reforestation and land restorationBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
The soil organic carbon in particle-size separates under different regrowth forest stands of north eastern Costa RicaBACKGROUND:Costa Rica, having experienced significant deforestation from 1950 to 1984, now sees a rise in secondary forests due to land abandonment and reforestation efforts. These forests vary widely in soil carbon accumulation, influenced by the previous land use intensity and the age of the forest. The paper investigates the role of secondary forests in Costa Rica in soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration, a critical component in understanding climate change mitigation potential. Available with subscription or purchase |
Carbon sequestration in Africa: The land tenure problemBackgroundResearch on afforestation and reforestation projects highlights how tropical forests can store carbon on a large scale. Africa offers vast areas of suitable land for carbon sequestration through these initiatives. However, the author argues that land tenure issues in Africa create an obstacle to achieving this potential. Open access copy available |
Patterns and drivers of disturbance in tropical forest reserves of southern GhanaBackgroundOpen access copy available |
Opportunities for Integrating Social Science into Research on Dry Forest Restoration: A Mini-ReviewBackgroundResearchers have well-documented the threats to seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs), including anthropogenic fires, climate change, and soil degradation. The widespread conversion of SDTFs to other land uses creates substantial opportunities for large-scale restoration and reforestation. While most research focuses on abiotic, environmental, and biophysical factors influencing restoration and secondary succession, researchers have largely overlooked incorporating social sciences or human dimensions into the restoration process, leaving a significant gap in the field. Open access copy available |
Integrating local knowledge into public policy instruments for enhancing restoration: A study case from western Mexican tropical dry forestBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Restoring Caribbean Dry Forests: Evaluation of Tree Propagation TechniquesBACKGROUND:Germination of seedlings, survival, and establishment are key components of forest restoration. Solar radiation and soil moisture regulate the seedling establishment in tropical dry forests. Unlike tropical wet forests, the role of light for seed germination in tropical dry forests is understudied. The study emphasizes the need for effective restoration strategies, particularly the propagation techniques for native tree species, as these forests serve critical ecological functions and house unique biodiversity. Open access copy available |
Restoring tropical forests on lands mined for bauxite: Examples from the Brazilian AmazonBackground:Effective forest restoration is required to avoid the adverse environmental impacts of mining. However, restorationists working in most tropical regions lack the requisite knowledge of species selection and disturbance ecology to aid in mimicking the pre-disturbed ecosystem. One noteworthy exception to this is the forest restoration initiative created by a Brazilian bauxite mining company operating at Trombetas in Pará State, central Amazonia, since the early 1980s. Available with subscription or purchase |