Public Awareness Generation for the Reforestation in Amazon Tropical Lowland Region
This study compares two plots of native tree species, one that was planted with small numbers of species representing potential natural vegetation and another that was planted with many species, including fast-growing pioneers.
Research Goals & Methods
After 9 years, tree height, DBH, species composition, stand volume, tree density and species diversity were measured in both plots.
Conclusions & Takeaways
The authors found that the inclusion of pioneer species in the second plot did not increase the early accumulation of biomass or initiate a rapid increase of species diversity. In conclusion, they recommend selecting species for restoration from mature potential natural vegetation rather than planting pioneer species.
Reforestation and Biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific Region. In: Plantation Technology in Tropical Forest Science. Plantation Technology in Tropical Forest Science. Springer-Verlag; Submitted:247–263. doi:10.1007/4-431-28054-5_25.
- Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology, (JISE), Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Japan