Acacia macrostachya

Dominant species' resprout biomass dynamics after cutting in the Sudanian savanna-woodlands of West Africa: long term effects of annual early fire and grazing


Given widespread anthropogenic disturbance and land degradation across the Sudanian savanna-woodlands of West Africa, these researchers examined the impacts of early annual fire and grazing on 6 dominant plant species in terms of: shoot mortality, height and girth. Though rather unoriginally, they hypothesized that forest biomass reconstitution is affected by disturbances such as fire and grazing. 

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Régénération naturelle à faible coût dans le cadre de l’aménagement forestier en zones tropicales sèches en Afrique (Natural generation at low cost as part of forest management in African tropical dry landscapes)

The author examines effective, low-cost, and often-overlooked methods of natural regeneration by root suckering and terrestrial layering in African tropical dry forests. He suggests this method of regeneration for both inside and outside of forested areas.


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Impact des aménagements de conservation des eaux et des sols sur la régénération des ressources ligneuses en zone sahélienne et nord soudanienne du Burkina Faso

The article seeks to catalogue trees used for traditional tools. The authors note that in certain areas, over exploitation of resources for traditional needs contributed to forest and soil degradation. They conclude arguing that traditional knowledge must be documented and taken into account in order for sustainable development projects to be successful.


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Dominant Species’ Resprout Biomass Dynamics After Cutting in the Sudanian Savanna-Woodlands of West Africa: Long Term Effects of Annual Early Fire and Grazing


This study examines the potential for forest regeneration after harvest in Burkina Faso, West Africa. The study area is a tropical dry forest of tree-shrub dominated by trees of Combretaceae and Mimosaceae (Fabeaceae). The area is part of the Sudanian savanna ecoregion, stretching across Africa , and receives approximately 700-1200 mm of rain, interspersed by a 6-7 month dry season. Firewood is the major source of home energy. It is estimated that 25-50% of the forest area naturally burns each year, and all areas burn every 2-3 years. Cattle browsing is also common in the region, especially on the grass that sprouts after burns.

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Natural Regeneration of Woody Stands in the Groundnut Basin Lands in the Sudano-Sahelian Zone (Region of Kaffrine, Senegal)


This study evaluates the regeneration capacity of woody tree species in lands of South-eastern Groundnut Basin in Senegal.

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