Albizia gummifera
Plan d'amenagement et de gestion de la foret galerie de Makera: 2009-2013 (Management plan for the Makera gallery forest: 2009-2013)This report provides a biologic, economic, and sociologic context for the state of the Makera gallery forest in Rwanda.The authors provide plans for management, ongoing research, and community engagement with the forest. Open access copy available |
Recovery of Plant Species Richness and Composition in Abandoned Forest Settlement Area in KenyabackgroundThis paper examines natural regeneration of tree species in a former forest village settlement that had been cultivated and abandoned in Mau forest, Kenya. Following 19 years of abandonment, the site consists of 3 zones of recovery due to different degrees of degradation before abandonment, continued grazing, selective logging and firewood collection. The zones are grass zone (GZ), transition zone I (TZ I) and TZ II and secondary forests (SF). Available with subscription or purchase |
A Comparative Assessment on Regeneration Status of Indigenous Woody Plants in Eucalyptus grandis Plantation and Adjacent Natural ForestbackgroundThis study investigates and compares diversity, density and species composition of naturally regenerated woody plants under Eucalyptus grandis plantations and the adjacent natural forest in southwestern Ethiopia. research goals & methodsVegetation data was collected from 40 sample plots, 20 in natural forest and 20 in plantations. Within the plots plant species were identified, DBH of all trees measured using a caliper; total heights of larger trees were measured using hypsometer. Available with subscription or purchase |
Status of Indigenous Tree Species Regeneration under Exotic Plantations in Belete Forest, South West EthiopiabackgroundThis study assesses the diversity and density of naturally regenerated woody species under the canopies of exotic plantations adjacent to natural forests in a moist montane forest type in Southwest Ethiopia. Open access copy available |
Regeneration Pattern and Size-Class Distribution of Indigenous Woody Species in Exotic Plantation in Pugu Forest Reserve, TanzaniabackgroundThis study examines the natural regeneration of indigenous tree species in an exotic tree plantation adjacent to a natural forest in a coastal forest of Tanzania. Research Goals & MethodsFour dominant indigenous tree species were identified in the exotic plantation with diameter size classes between 10 to 35cm. Open access copy available |
Native Tree Species Regeneration and Diversity in the Mountain Cloud Forests of East AfricabackgroundThis study evaluates the diversity of native species regeneration within 3 native and exotic forest plantations of the indigenous forests of Tatia Hills, East Africa. Research Goals & MethodsResearchers monitoried species diversity, richness and similarity of regenerated species between exotic plantations of pine, eucalyptus and cypress, as well as between native and exotic forests. Open access copy available |
Kibale National Park Rehabilitation ProjectBackgroundKibale National Park is one of the last remaining tracks of tropical forest in Uganda. It provides great environmental benefits, specifically serving as a home to large populations of primates. The Kibale National Park Rehabilitation Project seeks to protect these benefits. Open access copy available |