Cedrela odorata

Early Growth of Native and Exotic Trees Planted on Degraded Tropical Pasture


This study describes the potential of two exotic and five native tree species to restore degraded land in Costa Rica.

Research Goals & Methods

Thirty blocks were established over 25 hectares of abandoned cattle pasture and tree height was measured at 3 and 7 years and tree survival was measured after 7 years.

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Tree plantations on farms: Evaluating growth and potential for success


Interest in native species is growing across the tropics as reforestation of degraded lands becomes more widespread. Evaluation of successful species is an important component of reforestation planning.

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Local and Regional Environmental Variation Influences the Growth of Tropical Trees in Selection Trials in the Republic of Panama


This study evaluates the effect of varying site conditions on the basal area of 21 neotropical and 2 exotic tree species at three different sites in Panama. 

Research Goals & Methods

Seedlings were planted in 2003 in randomized blocks and measured for basal diameter, height, live crown length, and crown diameter each year from 2004 to 2006.

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Restoration of dry tropical forests in Central America: A review of pattern and process


Much information on restoration and management exists for wet tropical forests of Central America but comparatively little work has been done in the dry forests of this region. Such information is critical for reforestation efforts that are now occurring throughout Central America. This paper describes processes of degradation due to land use and provides a conceptual framework for the restoration of dry tropical forest, of which less than 2% remains intact.

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Especies para reforestación en Nicaragua (Species for Reforestation in Nicaragua)


This manual provides information about multipurpose trees in Nicaragua.

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Amazonian Forest Restoration: An Innovative System for Native Species Selection Based on Phenological Data and Field Performance Indices


In this article, data is presented from 14 years of evaluating native species from primary forests in Para State, Brazil for their potential use as reforestation trees on a bauxite mine.

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Árboles de uso multiple en El Salvador: Un manual para propagación y reforestación (Multipurpose trees in El Salvador: a manual for propagation and reforestation)



El Salvador es uno de los países del hemisferio oeste con mayor deforestación . En el año  1998 este país contaba con tan solo el 2% de sus bosques originales en pie. A pesar del interés de la población en realizar actividades de reforestación, existe una gran falta de información sobre especies nativas adecuadas para este fin.

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Initial Performance and Reforestation Potential of 24 Tropical Tree Species Planted Across a Precipitation Gradient in the Republic of Panama


The authors of this study  planted trees from 22 native species and two exotic species to use in selection trials testing the growth and survivability of trees in plantations in three different sites.

Research Goals & Methods

The sites were chosen for their precipitation gradient from Soberania National Park (2226mm mean annual rainfall), Los Santos (1946mm rainfall), and Rio Hato (1107mm rainfall). Survival, basal diameter, height, crown diameter and wood volume index (VI) were calculated after two years of growth.

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Enriching the Tropical Rain Forest with Native Fruit Trees: A Biological and Economic Analysis in Los Tuxtlas (Veracruz, Mexico)


This doctoral thesis compares the net present value of planting three native tree species in comparison with cattle pasture in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico.

Research Goals & Methods

The author evaluates two native fruit species Pouteriasapota (mamey) and Diospyrosdigyna (black sapote) and the timber species Cedrelaodorata (Spanish cedar). The author evaluates the correlation between fruit yield and diameter growth for the two fruit species.

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Is Tree Diversity an Important Driver for Phosphorus and Nitrogen Acquisition of a Young Tropical Plantation?


This article presents the effect of native species diversity on the nitrogen and phosphorous pools above-ground in a plantation in the Canal Zone of Panama.

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