Celtis africana

Diversity of Naturally-Regenerated Native Woody Species in Forest Plantations in the Ethiopian Highlands


This paper examines woody species diversity and understory vegetation of naturally regenerated native tree and shrub species in 4-plantation forests and adjacent natural forests in Wono Genet in Ethiopia.

Research Goals & Methods

Understory woody species richness, abundance and herbaceous ground cover were recorded in plantations of Pinus patula, Cupressus lusitanica, Grevillea robusta and Juniperus procera.

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Enrichment Planting Does Not Improve Tree Restoration when Compared with Natural Regeneration in a Former Pine Plantation in Kibale National Park, Uganda


This study assesses the rate of biomass accumulation of planted seedlings relative to natural regeneration in a harvested plantation in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Enrichment planting was carried out in an area where a pine plantation had been harvested to determine the relative value of these management options.

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Forest Succession in Kibale National Park, Uganda: Implications for Forest Restoration and Management


This sudy examines forest succession in 4 plots in former grasslands adjacent to mature forests in Kibale National Park, Ngogo, Uganda. These plots were located in areas protected from fire for .58,25,9 and 30 years for plots 1,2, 3, and 4 respectively.

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Intensive Tree Planting Facilitates Tropical Forest Biodiversity and Biomass Accumulation in Kibale National Park, Uganda


This study investigates how intensive planting affects tropical forest regeneration and biomass accumulation in reforested sites in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The study assessed species richness of naturally regenerating (i.e. non-planted) species in the park and compared the biomass accumulation of planted versus naturally regenerating trees in sites replanted by the Uganda Wildlife Authority.

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Effects of Canopy Cover and Understory Environment of Tree Plantations on Richness, Density and Size of Colonizing Woody Species in Southern Ethiopia


This study investigates the effects of canopy characteristics and associated understory environmental factors of tree plantations on native woody species colonization in two broadleaved and two coniferous plantations in southern Ethiopia. The plantation forests investigated are surrounded by dry Afromontane natural forest.

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Fire Control as a Simple Means of Promoting Tropical Forest Restoration


This study investigates whether or not fire exclusion allows grasslands to regenerate to forest in a timeframe suitable for reforestation efforts. The researchers compare tree species richness, dbh, diameter at ground height (DGH), and total woody biomass accumulation in 2 plots that have been protected from fire. They measure the size and amount of above ground biomass in plots that have been protected from fire for 12 and 32 years respectively in Kibale National Park, Uganda.

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Native Woody Species Regeneration in Exotic Tree Plantations at Munessa-Shashemene Forest, Southern Ethiopia


This study investigates native woody species regeneration in 4 exotic species monoculture plantations in Munessa-Shashemene Forest Project Area in southern Ethiopia. The plantation ages ranged from 9 to 28 years.

Research Goals & Methods

To sample for vegetation diversity and analyses of floristic composition, species richness, and abundance, 60 sample plots were established in the study area.  48 of these plots were in plantations and 12 were in adjacent natural forests.

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Does Weeding Promote Regeneration of an Indigenous Tree Community in Felled Pine Plantations in Uganda


This study evaluates a management scheme to cut vines, grasses, and shrubs to promote regeneration of indigenous trees subsequent to removal of plantation softwoods over a period of 3 years in Kibale National Park, Uganda.

Research Goals & Methods

Sampling of tree species from seedlings to adults were identified to species. The diameter of all stems more than 1.2m tall were measured at that height (DBH). The plots were subjected to subsequent cutting of weeds on average once every 7 months.

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Status of Indigenous Tree Species Regeneration under Exotic Plantations in Belete Forest, South West Ethiopia


This study assesses the diversity and density of naturally regenerated woody species under the canopies of exotic plantations adjacent to natural forests in a moist montane forest type in Southwest Ethiopia.

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Impact of Exotic Plantations and Harvesting Methods on the Regeneration of Indigenous Tree Species in Kibale Forest, Uganda


In the late 1960s and early 1970s, exotic tree plantations were established in hilltop grassland sites of the Kibale Forest Reserve. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, many of these sites were selected for logging to encourage growth of native trees.

Research Goals & Methods

This study assesses the impact of both pitsawing and sawmilling of exotic species plantations on the colonization and regeneration of indigenous species. Tree enumeration was conducted within plots representing the different plantation types and harvesting methods in order to determine indigenous species richness and diversity.

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