Does Weeding Promote Regeneration of an Indigenous Tree Community in Felled Pine Plantations in Uganda

Does Weeding Promote Regeneration of an Indigenous Tree Community in Felled Pine Plantations in Uganda


This study evaluates a management scheme to cut vines, grasses, and shrubs to promote regeneration of indigenous trees subsequent to removal of plantation softwoods over a period of 3 years in Kibale National Park, Uganda.

Research Goals & Methods

Sampling of tree species from seedlings to adults were identified to species. The diameter of all stems more than 1.2m tall were measured at that height (DBH). The plots were subjected to subsequent cutting of weeds on average once every 7 months.

Conclusions & Takeaways

After 36 months of monitoring there was no difference in the total number of stems of tree species between the control and weeded plots. The reason was a severe dry season in 1999 which resulted in a die-out in both control and weeded plots, but the plants in the weeded plots experienced more severe water stress because of the open canopy. Despite the literature on weeding increasing the rate of regeneration this study showed otherwise. One of the reasons was that the Kibale study site is in a low rainfall area receiving about 1800 mm annual rainfall. If this study had been in a wetter area this management scheme may have improved the growth and survival of the species.




Chapman CA, Chapman LJ, Zanne A, Burgess MA. Does Weeding Promote Regeneration of an Indigenous Tree Community in Felled Pine Plantations in Uganda?. Restoration Ecology. 2002;10:408–415. doi:10.1046/j.1526-100x.2002.00035.x.


  • University of Florida, Department of Zoology, Gainesville, Florida