Cordia bicolor
Evaluación técnica y financiera de la silvicultura desarrollada en un bosque natural de la Guayana venezolana (Technical and financial evaluation of silvicultural management in the Venezuelan Guayana)Los autores analizan el funcionamiento de una empresa forestal que ejecuta, desde 1996, un plan de ordenación y manejo forestal en un bosque seco tropical, El Dorado- Tumeremo, con una superficie productiva 66 000 ha (Estado Bolívar, Venezuela). Se aprovechan unas 30 especies según diámetros mínimos de corta, clasificadas según su potencial comercial: las comerciales (Hymenaea courbaril, Pouteria caimito, Spondias mombin, Cordia alliodora, Andira sp., Manilkara bidentata y Peltogyne pubescens), las potencialmente comerciales (Cordia bicolor, Fagara martinicense, Tetragastris panamensis, Ceiba pentandra, Brosi- mun alicastrum, Aspidosperma megalocarpum, Astronium lecontei) y las que no tienen valor com Open access copy available |
Native Species: A Resource for the Diversification of Forestry Production in the Lowland Humid TropicsbackgroundThis research evaluates the success of native species for reforestation plantings in Costa Rica in comparison with exotic species. Research Goals & MethodsAt La Selva Biological Station, 80 species were planted in mixed stands of 8-12 species between 1987 and 1990. Growth characteristics and form for timber quality were collected for each species at 3 and 6 years after planting. Available with subscription or purchase |
Early Species Selection for Tropical Reforestation: A Consideration of StabilitybackgroundThis study describes a screening of timber species planted in abandoned pasture sites to understand the effect of different site conditions on tree growth and to determine the species that grew with the highest variation. Research Goals & MethodsThe author looks at genotype environment to evaluate stability of genotypes and genotypes with the ability to perform consistently in multiple site conditions. Available with subscription or purchase |
Promoting Biodiversity: Advances in Evaluating Native Species for ReforestationbackgroundThis article describes the design of a long-term species screening trial conducted at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. Research Goals & MethodsGrowth and survivability data is presented for 84 species (17 popular exotics used for timber and 67 little-known local species with timber potential) at 3 years of age. Available with subscription or purchase |