Croton draco
Restauración de la cobertura vegetal en la reserva forestal Monte Alto. Hojancha, Guanacaste (Restoration of vegetation cover in Monte Alto, Costa Rica).Los autores realizaron un estudio sobre el proceso sucesional en áreas de potrero en recuperación a bosque primario en la parte alta de la cuenca del Río Nosara, cantón de Hojancha, provincia de Guanacaste. Se identificaron cuatro tipos de fases sucesionales: potrero en recuperación, bosque pionero, bosque secundario y bosque primario intervenido. Estas áreas se encontraron en dos zonas de vida: bosque húmedo tropical y bosque muy húmedo premontano. Full resource not available online |
Woody Plant Diversity and Structure of Shade-Grown-Coffee Plantations in Northern Chiapas, MexicobackgroundThis article presents research on coffee stand structure and diversity, with data collected from 61 coffee plots in Chiapas, Mexico. Research Goals & MethodsThe following variables were measured: coffee density, slope, plot aspect, the number of individuals of each shade species (divided into 9 diametric classes), number of strata, species use, and presence of woody plant species. Open access copy available |
Coffee yields and soil nutrients under the shades of Inga sp. vs. multiple species in Chiapas, MexicoBackgroundThe type of canopy structure that provides shade to shade-grown coffee may make a difference in production. While Mexican coffee producers have often sought to replace a natural diverse canopy with Inga latibracteata alone, the benefits of either method for yield and for ease of management have not been adequately studied. Available with subscription or purchase |