Ekebergia capensis

Ecological Study of Kirisia Forest Reserve


In order to inform a 2009 Conservation Enterprise Development Program, a preliminary ecological survey was carried out at the Kirisia Forest Reserve in Samburu District, Kenya. The survey was in response to an aerial survey conducted by the Wilderness Foundation UK that examined potential drivers of forest destruction.

Open access copy available

Plan d'amenagement et de gestion de la foret galerie de Makera: 2009-2013 (Management plan for the Makera gallery forest: 2009-2013)

This report provides a biologic, economic, and sociologic context for the state of the Makera gallery forest in Rwanda.The authors provide plans for management, ongoing research, and community engagement with the forest.

Open access copy available

Recovery of Plant Species Richness and Composition in Abandoned Forest Settlement Area in Kenya


This paper examines natural regeneration of tree species in a former forest village settlement that had been cultivated and abandoned in Mau forest, Kenya. Following 19 years of abandonment, the site consists of 3 zones of recovery due to different degrees of degradation before abandonment, continued grazing, selective logging and firewood collection. The zones are grass zone (GZ), transition zone I (TZ I) and TZ II and secondary forests (SF).

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Native Woody Species Regeneration in Exotic Tree Plantations at Munessa-Shashemene Forest, Southern Ethiopia


This study investigates native woody species regeneration in 4 exotic species monoculture plantations in Munessa-Shashemene Forest Project Area in southern Ethiopia. The plantation ages ranged from 9 to 28 years.

Research Goals & Methods

To sample for vegetation diversity and analyses of floristic composition, species richness, and abundance, 60 sample plots were established in the study area.  48 of these plots were in plantations and 12 were in adjacent natural forests.

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Tree regeneration in church forests of Ethiopia: effects of microsites and management


Tree regeneration is severely hampered in the fragmented afromontane forests of northern Ethiopia. Pressures of harvesting and grazing and climactic conditions present challenges to regeneration. This study explores how trees regenerate in remnant forests along the gradient from open field, forest edge to closed sites and canopy gaps inside the forest.

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