Hyeronima alchorenoides

Growth in pure and mixed plantations of tree species used in reforesting rural areas of the humid region of Costa Rica, Central America


Despite government incentives in Costa Rica for establishing and maintaining native tree plantations since the 1990s, farmers and small landowners often lack adequate knowledge about plantation management. Yield and rotation periods for each of the ten most common species grown in monoculture have previously been published. This paper compares productivity in monoculture and mixtures at La Selva Biological Station in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica.

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Carbon Forestry Project CO2OL Tropical Mix


Degraded land, originally forest land, later used for extensive cattle ranching, is reforested with mostly native tree species and gradually converted into mixed forests. The project provides for sustainable timber production and cocoa cultivation; protects biodiversity and restores a healthy forest ecosystem. The  project reforests previously degraded pastureland with a mixture of native tree species to produce fine tropical timber, enrich the soil, save and filter water, sequester carbon, and contribute to the mitigation of climate change.

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CO2OL Native Tree Species Reforestation


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