Manilkara zapota

Germinación y supervivencia de seis especies nativas de un bosque tropical de Tabasco, México (Germination and survival of six species native to a tropical forest of Tabasco, Mexico)

Open access copy available

Nagarote Reforestation and Community Development Project - SosteNica


SosteNica and CEPRODEL work together to provide microcredit and technical assistance to help communities in Nicaragua improve the environmental on their land while also improving the economic opportunities for those communities.

Open access copy available

Direct Seeding to Restore Tropical Mature-Forest Species in Areas of Slash-and-Burn Agriculture


Direct seeding of three mature-forest species into areas of slash-and-burn agriculture was conducted to evaluate the germination and establishment of these species.

Research Goals & Methods

Different fallow times were evaluated, less than 5 years, 8-15 years, and greater than 50 years. Germination, survival, and growth for 1-2 years was evaluated for 1800 seeds planted per species (200 on each of three replicate sites per forest age).

Open access copy available

Cloudbridge Reforestation Project


The mission of the Cloudbridge Reforestation Project is to rebuild a deforested part of tropical cloud forest using native trees to bridge a gap between two mountainside forests.  Local people as well as tree consultants are hired to plant the native species.  

Open access copy available
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