Pinus patula
Consequences of plantation harvest during tropical forest restoration in UgandaBackgroundTimber plantations have recently received considerable attention as a forest restoration strategy for heavily degraded lands in the humid tropics. Plantations can facilitate secondary forest regrowth by providing an understory environment more favorable for native plant recruitment than unmanaged degraded habitats. This study explores how using plantations as a restoration tool affects forest succession; how initial floristics affect successional pathways; and the effect of fire exclusion or other interventions. Open access copy available |
Analysis of the "Shelter Tree-Effect” of Natural and Exotic Forest Canopies on the Growth of Young Podocarpus falcatus Trees in Southern EthiopiabackgroundThe potential for plantations of fast-growing non-native trees to create suitable habitat for regeneration of native plant ecosystems has gained attention in the scientific literature. Previous studies often focus on the plantation species’ impacts on soil, but this study in the Munessa-Shashemene forest of Ethiopia proposes that light factors may be important as well. In this forest, native Podocarpus falcatus saplings actually perform better under the canopy of planted non-native Pinus patula and Eucalyptus saligna trees than in native forest, and this study hypothesizes that varying patterns of irradiance and sunflecks may explain this phenomenon. Available with subscription or purchase |
Native Woody Species Regeneration in Exotic Tree Plantations at Munessa-Shashemene Forest, Southern EthiopiabackgroundThis study investigates native woody species regeneration in 4 exotic species monoculture plantations in Munessa-Shashemene Forest Project Area in southern Ethiopia. The plantation ages ranged from 9 to 28 years. Research Goals & MethodsTo sample for vegetation diversity and analyses of floristic composition, species richness, and abundance, 60 sample plots were established in the study area. 48 of these plots were in plantations and 12 were in adjacent natural forests. Available with subscription or purchase |
Does Weeding Promote Regeneration of an Indigenous Tree Community in Felled Pine Plantations in UgandabackgroundThis study evaluates a management scheme to cut vines, grasses, and shrubs to promote regeneration of indigenous trees subsequent to removal of plantation softwoods over a period of 3 years in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Research Goals & MethodsSampling of tree species from seedlings to adults were identified to species. The diameter of all stems more than 1.2m tall were measured at that height (DBH). The plots were subjected to subsequent cutting of weeds on average once every 7 months. Available with subscription or purchase |
Sobrevivencia del duraznillo (Prunus annularis) en plantación forestal y en sistemas agroforestales (Survival of Prunus annularis in agroforestry systems)Open access copy available |
Enriquecimiento de plantaciones forestales como herramienta para la rehabilitación de ambientes degradados en la region sur Ecuatoriana (Enrichment and rehabilitation of degraded environments in southern Ecuador)EspañolAntecedentesEl estudio analiza el potencial de adaptación de especies nativas a las condiciones de plantaciones de Pinus patula, en una plantación cerca de la Estación Científica San Francisco en la región sur del Ecuador. Objetivos y MetodologíaEl trabajo estudia dos micro-ambientes: claros y bajo dosel de plantación, instalando cuatro parcelas en cada uno de ellos, con un total de 648 individuos de nueve especies nativas. Open access copy available |
Status of Indigenous Tree Species Regeneration under Exotic Plantations in Belete Forest, South West EthiopiabackgroundThis study assesses the diversity and density of naturally regenerated woody species under the canopies of exotic plantations adjacent to natural forests in a moist montane forest type in Southwest Ethiopia. Open access copy available |
Native Forest Regeneration in Pine and Eucalypt Plantations in Northern Province, South AfricabackgroundThis study assesses understory colonization by indigenous plant species in exotic tree plantations established on grasslands growing adjacent to native mixed evergreen forest in Northern Province, South Africa. Available with subscription or purchase |
Exotic Trees as Nurse-Trees for the Regeneration of Natural Tropical ForestsBackgroundThis article challenges widely-held views that the presence of exotic tree plantations in the tropics harm the environment. Through collecting evidence from experiences in tropical countries, the authors argue that exotic tree canopies exert protective functions - a nurse effect - for the regeneration of natural forest. Open access copy available |
Native Tree Species Regeneration and Diversity in the Mountain Cloud Forests of East AfricabackgroundThis study evaluates the diversity of native species regeneration within 3 native and exotic forest plantations of the indigenous forests of Tatia Hills, East Africa. Research Goals & MethodsResearchers monitoried species diversity, richness and similarity of regenerated species between exotic plantations of pine, eucalyptus and cypress, as well as between native and exotic forests. Open access copy available |