Prunus africana

Structural diversity and regeneration of the endangered Prunus africana (Rosaceae) in Zimbabwe


Prunus Africana is widely recognized for its medicinal purposes resulting in high unsustainable use and selling in the international market. Its bark contains many healing properties. Overexploitation has led to its listing in CITES list of endangered species. A remnant population is still available at the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe however, the area is prone to land use changes.

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Fuelwood collection and its impacts on a protected tropical mountain forest in Uganda.


This study examined the patterns, effects and potential management of fuelwood extraction on the forest of Mt Elgon, located in the Eastern part of Uganda, Sub- Saharan Africa. Fuelwood is the main source of energy, mainly collected from the forest. 98% of the households use fuelwood and charcoal for cooking and heating. This is a protected area with a history of conflict between surrounding populations and conservation actors. No other forest remains in its direct vicinity.

Research goals and Methods

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Consequences of plantation harvest during tropical forest restoration in Uganda


Timber plantations have recently received considerable attention as a forest restoration strategy for heavily degraded lands in the humid tropics. Plantations can facilitate secondary forest regrowth by providing an understory environment more favorable for native plant recruitment than unmanaged degraded habitats. This study explores how using plantations as a restoration tool affects forest succession; how initial floristics affect successional pathways; and the effect of fire exclusion or other interventions.

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Native Woody Species Regeneration in Exotic Tree Plantations at Munessa-Shashemene Forest, Southern Ethiopia


This study investigates native woody species regeneration in 4 exotic species monoculture plantations in Munessa-Shashemene Forest Project Area in southern Ethiopia. The plantation ages ranged from 9 to 28 years.

Research Goals & Methods

To sample for vegetation diversity and analyses of floristic composition, species richness, and abundance, 60 sample plots were established in the study area.  48 of these plots were in plantations and 12 were in adjacent natural forests.

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Tree regeneration in church forests of Ethiopia: effects of microsites and management


Tree regeneration is severely hampered in the fragmented afromontane forests of northern Ethiopia. Pressures of harvesting and grazing and climactic conditions present challenges to regeneration. This study explores how trees regenerate in remnant forests along the gradient from open field, forest edge to closed sites and canopy gaps inside the forest.

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High Seedling Recruitment of indigenous Tree Species in Forest Plantations in Kakamega Forest, Western Kenya


The study evaluates the potential for seedling recruitment of indigenous tree species in different types of plantations and secondary forest in western Kenya. The plantations are comprised of mixtures and monocultures of single or exotic indigenous tree species.

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Indigenous Woody Species Diversity in Eucalyptus globulus Labill spp. globulus Plantations in the Ethiopian Highlands


This study evaluates the regeneration of native woody species in eucalyptus plantations in the central highlands of Ethiopia.

Research Goals & Methods

Understory trees and shrubs were identified and measured in 11 year old plantations at Chancho where no natural forests remain, and in 37 year old plantations at Menagesha where remnant natural forests exist.

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Kibale National Park Rehabilitation Project


Kibale National Park is one of the last remaining tracks of tropical forest in Uganda. It provides great environmental benefits, specifically serving as a home to large populations of primates. The Kibale National Park Rehabilitation Project seeks to protect these benefits.

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