Terminalia amazonia

Trade-offs at applying tree nucleation to restore degraded high Andean forests in Colombia


This article recognizes applied nucleation as a forest restoration strategy in many low to mid altitude forests and aims to compare applied nucleation to passive regeneration at high altitude forests. Applied nucleation is successful at accelerating the speed of forest regeneration, improving soil conditions, and shading out invasive species in many low-mid altitude forests of the neotropics. There are gaps in the literature about the performance of applied nucleation in other tropical regions as well as high attitude tropical forests.

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Infuence of tree cover on diversity, carbon sequestration and productivity of cocoa systems in the Ecuadorian Amazon


In this study, Jadan et al. objective was to evaluate the relationship between richness and floristic diversity, carbon storage, ecosystem services, agricultural productivity, and forest use potential under three land use systems in the Ecuadorian Amazon: cocoa-based agroforestry, cocoa monoculture and primary forest. In this region, one of the most important cultivation systems is the “Chakra”, a traditional organic farming production system, mainly practiced by indigenous peoples, that consists in the cultivation of staple crops in combination with commercial valuable species such as cocoa, obtaining multiple benefits.

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Comportamiento de las especies y preferencias de los productores. Plantaciones forestales en Costa Rica y Nicaragua (Species behavior and farmers' preferences. Forest plantations in Costa Rica and Nicaragua)



Los autores estudiaron plantaciones comerciales en 112 fincas de productores forestales, en el Cantón de Sarapiquí, Costa Rica y el Departamento de Carazo, Nicaragua.

objetivos y metodología

El trabajo realiza un inventario de las plantaciones forestales en todas las fincas estudiadas. Las variables evaluadas incluyen: supervivencia, dap, altura total, forma y sanidad de los árboles.

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Crecimiento Comparativo de Especies Nativas y Teca plantadas en parcelas puras y mix



El interés por la reforestación como una alternativa a la deforestación se ha incrementado en los últimos años en Panamá. Sin embargo, en las iniciativas de reforestación las exigencias de las plantas no son usualmente consideradas y las mas utilizadas son especies introducidas.

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Growth in pure and mixed plantations of tree species used in reforesting rural areas of the humid region of Costa Rica, Central America


Despite government incentives in Costa Rica for establishing and maintaining native tree plantations since the 1990s, farmers and small landowners often lack adequate knowledge about plantation management. Yield and rotation periods for each of the ten most common species grown in monoculture have previously been published. This paper compares productivity in monoculture and mixtures at La Selva Biological Station in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica.

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Foliar herbivory and leaf traits of five native tree species in a young plantation of Central Panama


Timber plantations often provide economic incentives for land owners to restore abandoned pastures or agricultural land to forest, yet the threat of insect herbivory can diminish these new plantations and compromise the efforts. This study seeks to understand the extent of these threats on tree plantations in Panama. 

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Testing Applied Nucleation as a Strategy to Facilitate Tropical Forest Recovery


This study considers applied nucleation, or the intensive planting of small patches of a mixture of successional species, as a degraded tropical forest restoration strategy. This approach catalyzes the natural regeneration of the surrounding matrix and larger landscape and could provide a less expensive alternative to the more common, and expensive, plantation-style approach. This study claims to be the first to directly compare tree recruitment beneath these two restoration approaches.

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Seed rain under tree islands planted to restore degraded lands in a tropical agricultural landscape


Planting native tree seedlings is the predominant restoration strategy for accelerating forest succession on degraded lands. However, planting tree “islands” is less costly and labor intensive than establishing larger plantations and simulates the nucleation process of succession. Tree islands can attract seed dispersers to gradually spread restoration patterns from the islands. Restoration design can be informed by assessing the effect of potential planting arrangements on seed dispersal by birds and bats and determining the influence of surrounding forest cover.

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Ecología forestal de algunas especies arbóreas de interés para la reforestación y restauración del Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl (Forest ecology of tree species of interest for reforestation of Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl)



México cuenta con alrededor de 3,000 especies de árboles, de las cuales solo una pequeña proporción se ha utilizado para proyectos de reforestación y restauración. Para el éxito de los proyectos forestales, es fundamental tener en cuenta que las especies de árboles varían en su preferencia por las condiciones del sitio, es decir, el clima, el suelo, el acceso al agua y la sombra. Los autores recopilaron información sobre la ecología forestal de especies arbóreas nativas de interés para la reforestación y restauración del Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl en México.

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Determinación del potencial germinativo de tres especies maderables nativas de un bosque húmedo tropical en Nicaragua (Determination of the germination potential of timber species native to Nicaragua)



Existe una falta de información sobre alternativas para el cultivo de especies maderables nativas en zonas de amortiguamiento.

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