East Asia and Pacific
Experience with Planting Dipterocarps in Peninsular MalaysiaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Forest Transition in Vietnam and Bhutan: Causes and Environmental ImpactsbackgroundThe authors evaluate the history of forest transition Vietnam and Bhutan. Goals & MethodsIn order to determine the change in forest cover in Vietnam, the authors collected all available land cover maps, which were then compared to official government records. Using statistical analysis, they then determined the causes of reforestation in the 1990s. For Bhutan, there was no official data analysis. The authords do provide preliminary findings using available data and literature. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Causes of the Reforestation in VietnambackgroundWood exploitation and agricultural expansion led to large-scale deforestation in Vietnam. Since the mid-1990s, forest cover in many areas has increased both in the form of natural regeneration and tree plantations. Policies such as the 1993 Land Law offered households rights to forestland and tree planting campaigns such as the Five Million Hectare Reforestation Programme made people responsible for owning and protecting forest land. Available with subscription or purchase |
Beyond Basic Needs: Participation and Village Reforestation in ThailandBackgroundAt present, many federally-sponsored community reforestation projects engage communities by hiring local labor to establish plantations with fast-growing tree species. This method ignores the importance of local knowledge and local-level accountability that improves the chances of a project's survival. Available with subscription or purchase |
Reforestation of an Indonesian Tropical Forest: The Win-Win Approach of a Private Japanese FirmBackgroundAs one of Japan's largest forestry firms, Sumitomo Forestry Company, Ltd. provides a unique approach to a sector that is increasingly faced with pressures due to population and economic growth. This resource examines on initiative by the firm, the Sebulu experimental forest project in the eastern part of Kalimantan, Indonesia. Open access copy available |
Species-Specific Tree Water Use Characteristics in Reforestation Stands in the PhilippinesBackgroundThe need for reforestation is becoming increasingly evident in countries like the Philippines where deforestation has lead to a scarcity of wood and other forest commodities. One concern with reforestation is the reduction in streamflow and groundwater recharge as trees move water from the ground into the atmosphere. Research Goals & MethodsThis study seeks to investigate the sap flux responses and tree water use in two 12-year-old multi-species stands. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Reforestation Value Chain for the PhilippinesbackgroundThis paper describes the reasons for the failure of reforestation projects in the Philippines and the potential actions to improve success. When reforestation is focused narrowly on tree plantings, they can last for a few years (mostly 3) but then are easily cut by farmers who want to resume farming, by people in need of wood, or by people feeling that the reforestation was unjust. Most reforestation projects do not have plans beyond tree establishment. Open access copy available |
Community Reforestation in the Philippines: An Evaluation of Community ContractsbackgroundSince the 1950s, the Phillipines has lost over 15 million hectares of tropical forest. While there has been continued efforts to halt these trends and reforest the loss areas, there has been many barriers; thus the country recently turned to private and community-based efforts. This study is a review of two reforestation projects in the Philippines that were contracted through private entities rather than government agencies. Available with subscription or purchase |
Human Ecological Questions for Tropical Restoration: Experiences from Planting Native Upland Trees and Mangroves in the PhilippinesBackgroundThis article evaluates the human ecology of reforestation in the Philippines under the Bais Bay Development Action Program. Reforestation is considered in upland riparian as well as coastal mangrove areas. Open access copy available |
Seedling Production Methods of DipterocarpsBACKGROUNDAvailable with subscription or purchase |