Journal Articles

Growth, carbon sequestration, and management of native tree plantations in humid regions of Costa Rica


The Costa Rican government has provided incentives for reforestation programs since 1986 and initiated a Payment for Environmental Services program in 1996. These incentives yielded native species reforestation programs throughout the country. This study examines growth, carbon sequestration, and management of seven native tree species (Vochysia guatemalensis, Vochysia ferruginea, Hyeronima alchorneoides, Calophyllum brasiliense, Terminalia amazonia, Virola koschnyi, and Dipteryx panamensis) in single-species plantations managed by small landowners.

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The Potential for Carbon Sequestration Through Reforestation of Abandoned Tropical Agricultural and Pasture Lands


This article reviews the field of carbon accumulation in tropical secondary forests to shed light on the ability of reforestation to encourage carbon sequestration.

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A Re-emerging Atlantic Forest? Urbanization, Industrialization and the Forest Transition in Santa Catarina, Southern Brazil


The Atlantic Forest region of southern Brazil has experienced rapid urbanization and industrialization in the second half of the 20th century. Trends in other regions of the world might suggest this would lead to increased forest cover in rural areas, however a developing country such as Brazil may present a different scenario.

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This research presents an analysis of forest cover change in the Atlantic forest of Santa Catarina, Brazil between 1975 and 1995/1996.

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Afforestation and Forestry Land Allocation in Northern Vietnam: Analysing the Gap Between Policy Intentions and Outcomes


This study looks at the policy factors surrounding the government's allocation of farmland for afforestation in northern Vietnam. This study takes place in the context of other large-scale afforestation projects conducted by governments in tropical countries, where land rights and livelihoods of local farmers can be at risk.

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Linking Reforestation Policies with Land Use Change in Northern Vietnam: Why Local Factors Matter


Based on a case study in Vietnam, this study seeks to understand the extent to which common state policies on land management actually contribute to reforestation. 

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Analysis of the Carbon Sequestration Costs of Afforestation and Reforestation Agroforestry Practices and the Use of Cost Curves to Evaluate their Potential for Implementation of Climate Change Mitigation


This article analyzes the carbon sequestration costs of agroforestry afforestation/reforestation projects (ARPs) as part of the UN's Clean Development Mechanism by evaluating both economies of scale and opportunity costs that affect total sequestration costs. The study uses an agroforestry project called Scolel Té in Chiapas, Mexico to calculate the average net present value (ANPV) of the project in terms of carbon price and project area.

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Restoring rainforest fragments: Survival of mixed-native species seedlings under contrasting site conditions in the Western Ghats, India


Historical fragmentation and a current annual deforestation rate of 1.2% in the Western Ghats biodiversity hotspot have resulted in a human-dominated landscape of plantations, agriculture, and developed areas, with embedded rainforest fragments that form biodiversity refuges and animal corridors. This study evaluates restoration efficacy for tropical rainforest under three different site conditions in the Anamalai hills, India.

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Combinations of trees and crops in the taungya method as applied in Thailand


In this article, the authors desribe the 'taungya' methods used in Thailand for reforestation and agroforestry in the 1980s. This method was primarily used under theForest Village Programme, during which landless people were given 1.6 ha of land to reforest and raise their crops.

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Geographic Variation in Tree Growth and Wood Density of Guazuma crinita Mart. in the Peruvian Amazon


This research addresses intra-specific variation in the native Peruvian tree species Guazuma crinita, a fast-growing pioneer species and priority timber tree used in reforestation and agroforestry systems. It also evaluates the tree growth and wood density of G. crinita varieties from 11 provenances in the Peruvian Amazon.

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Cloning of erect, thornless, non-browsed nitrogen fixing trees of Haiti's principal fuelwood species (Prosopis juliflora)


Prosopis juliflora (bayawon in Creole) is a spiny leguminous tree that is used throughout arid regions of Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean for fuelwood and fodder.  Due to its genetic diversity, pod protein and carbohydrate content varies widely, suggesting advantages of clonal reproduction. This Haiti-based study tests exotic and native varieties of Prosopis for growth rates.

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