White Papers

Farmers’ planting practices in Burkina Faso


Improved Seed Supply for Agroforestry in African Countries (ISSAAC) is a Danish funded project led by ICRAF, FLD, and national seed centers in Burkina Faso, Malawi, and Uganda. This paper focuses on the project in Burkina Faso, whose overall objective is to improve farmer access to agroforestry seed. 

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Formations boisées et savanes africaines: opportunités et potentialités de la REDD+ (Wooded formations and African savannas: opportunities and potential of REDD+)

The authors provide an overview of the REDD+ program and deforestation in Africa. They addressed limitations fo REDD+ and noted that because each community is different, each project must be tailored to the individual needs of communities.


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Les forêts plantées dans les économies émergentes: Bonnes pratiques pour des investissements durables et responsables (The forests planted in emerging economies: Best practices for sustainable and responsible investments)

The authors provide a summary of best practices regarding sustainable and responsible investments in forests.


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Restauration des paysages forestiers: Exemples concrets dans 5 écorégions (Forest Landscapre Restoration: Concrete examples from 5 ecoregions)

This publication gives an overview of five ecosystems in which WWF is currently working on forest landscape restoration projects. The cases are in China, Bulgaria, Brazil, Malaysia, and New Caledonia.


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Financial Governance and Indonesia’s Reforestation Fund during the Soeharto and Post-Soeharto Periods, 1989–2009: A Political Economic Analysis of Lessons for REDD+


In this occassional paper, CIFOR notes how Indonesia is in an unique position to utilize the REDD+ initiative to increase revenue and reduce loss of forest cover, overall contributing to the reduction in global carbon emmssions. In order to offer lessons for the future, this paper examines the financial management and government practices of the country's Reforestation Fund over the past two decades.

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Restoring forest landscapes: Forest landscape restoration aims to re-establish ecological integrity and enhance human well-being in degraded forest landscapes


Tropical forests are highly fragmented. 42% of forest – including secondary forest – exists in large tracts, with the majority of forest in fragmented patches near roads and settlements. Although the science and conservation communities largely approach forests for either conservation or production, this approach omits the vital role forests play in the livelihoods of millions of people who live in close proximity.

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Les Forêts du Bassin du Congo: Etat des Forêts 2006 (Forests of the Congo Basin: State of the Forests 2006)

The authors compiled an comprehensive report on the state of the forests in twelve forested landscapes of the Congo Basin region of Africa. They include a wide range of topics including conservation, human inhabitants of the forests, exploitation of forest resources, other threats to the forest, and priorities for restoration.


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Land Degradation, Less Favored Lands and the Rural Poor: A Spatial and Economic Analysis.


Previous studies have examined the differing economic consequences of land degradation for various groups of people, finding that the rural poor of less developed countries rely on some of the most marginal, degraded land. Yet, these studes seignificantly differ in their use of key spatial land and population indicators and the spatially referenced data generated are inadequate for cross-country economic analysis of the impact of land degradation on global poverty. This study aims to rectify these shortcomings. 

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Vulnerability and Impacts of Climate Change on the Forestry Sector


This report focuses on the vulnerability patterns of the forestry sector in Silago, Southern Leyte, Philippines. Leyte Island has diverse ecosystems that are increasingly threatened due to the clearing of forests for commercial and marginal upland agriculture, and non-timber plantation establishment. Still the forest throughout the island provide critical resources for commercial and subsistence use. 

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Towards Productive Landscapes


Increasingly, practitioners, scientists, and policymakers are recognizing the need to puruse integrated landscape level initiatives to address restoration issues. Given this, this report draws on 29 papers by practitioners all over the world that highlight both the successes and challenges of landscape approaches in order to inform the future of these practices.

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