Explore a lista abaixo para navegar pelo conteúdo em português. Visite a página "Pesquisa" para realizar uma pesquisa por palavra-chave em um tópico específico e filtrar os resultados.
Restauração florestal: do diagnóstico de degradação ao uso de indicadores ecológicos para o monitoramento das ações (Forest restoration: from the diagnostics of degradation to the use of ecological indicators in the monitoring of actions)Open access copy available |
Roteiro para elaboração de projetos de recuperação florestal para o Fundo Estadual de Recursos Hídricos - Fehidro (Guide for elaboration of forest recovery for the State Water Resources Fund - Fehidro)This guide targets municipal governments, farmers, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders interested in water and forest resources restoration. The objective is to present a framework for understanding the most common cases in order to facilitate the decision-making and execution of forest restoration projects. Some of the addressed topics are: the basic structure of a restoration project, examples of forest restoration projects, forest restoration projects that include native species seedling production, a key for decision-making for the recovery of degraded areas, and a list of tree species with natural occurrence in São Paulo state. Open access copy available |
O recobrimento do Brasil (The Recovery of Brazil)Open access copy available |
A regeneração natural como um serviço do ecossistema: uma proposta metodológica para o seu cálculo (Natural regeneration as an ecosystem service: a methodological proposal for its calculation)backgroundThis study begins by stating that the economic quantification of ecosystem services is a crucial step towards their sustainable use. research goals & methodsThe study pairs the quantified value of ecosystem services with the process of ecological restoration to attempt to calculate the value of natural regeneration. Both comparative and analytical approaches are used. Open access copy available |
Manual de recuperação de matas ciliares para produtores rurais (Manual of riparian forests recovery for rural producers)This technical manual targets farmers and “all those that perceive that the life of people is connected to the life of the forests, the animals, the earth and the rivers”. The guide contemplates many themes related to recovery of degraded areas, such as: the importance of riparian forests and other types of natural vegetation, technical aspects of the development and implementation of forest restoration activities, and useful tips for the implantation and maintenance of planted riparian areas. Open access copy available |
Manual para restauração florestal: florestas de transição (Manual of forest restoration: transition forests)Open access copy available |
Normas jurídicas para restauração ecológica: uma barreira a mais a dificultar o êxito das iniciativas? (Juridical norms to ecological restoration: one more barrier to encumber success of initiatives?)Open access copy available |
Conceitos e Definições Correlatos à Ciência e à Prática da Restauração Ecológica - Glossário e dicionário inglês-portuguêsThis resource provides a glossary and dictionary of concepts and vocabulary of reforestation and restoration, including extensive definitions of 170 terms in Portuguese, together with the closest equivalent term in English. It is a useful tool for comprehension of technical and ecological terms in Portuguese and English. Open access copy available |
Comparação de diferentes densidades de feijão guandu (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) na restauração florestal de uma área de reserva legal no Pontal do Paranapanema, SPOpen access copy available |
Banco de Sementes como Indicador de Restauração de uma Área Degradada por Mineração de Caulim em Brás Pires, MGThe authors germinated the seed bank from degraded former kaolin mining sites that have regenerated naturally for a period of 20 years. They used two light treatments usedfor the germination: one with 11.5% shade, and another with 60%. There was a wide range of variation among the species according to the light level, with some species producing far more seedlings under one treatment that the other. Most (2/3) of the species germinating (total n: 36) were herbaceous, with eight tree species (see above). Open access copy available |