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Florestas e Bioenergia (Forests and Bioenergy)

This article is an overview of the present status and prospects for the use of planted forests for bioenergy in São Paulo state, Brazil. The author compiled data to estimate the state's land area suitable for forest biomass production. Sugarcane and eucalyptus plantations were compared in terms of energy production and costs, with eucalyptus being slightly more than half as expensive / unit energy / hectare as sugarcane. Finally, a series of policy recommendations necessary to facilitate the use of forests for energy production.

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Caracterização do Dossel e do Estrato de Regeneração Natural no Sub-Bosque e em Clareiras de Uma Florestal Estacional Semidecidual no Município de Viçosa, MG

The authors analyzed clearings in a forest reserve belonging to the Federal University of Viçosa, MG, to compare the species and composition of clearing and forest understory vegetation. The found that the level of diversity (Shannon index) and species found (n= 69) were similar in the clearings and the understory in the surrounding forest. Coffee (Coffea arabica) and Picramnia regnellii were the most common species in both the clearings and the understory. The authors suggest that the dominance of coffee may be problematic for the regeneration of native species.

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Produção De Leite Com Sistemas Silvipastoris Intensivos (Milk Production with Intensive Silvopastoral Systems)

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Relação entre a presença de vegetação herbácea e a regeneração natural de espécies lenhosas em pastagens abandonadas na Floresta Ombrófila Densa do Sul do Brasil

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Restauração de áreas degradadas: a nucleação como base para incrementar os processos sucessionais (Restoration of degraded areas: nucleation as a base for augmenting successional processes)

This article includes a general discussion of the rationale and theory behind nucleation as a way to facilitate forest restoration. The authors explain various nucleation techniques, including soil transfer, direct seeding and hydro-seeding, artificial poles, transfer of branches and organic matter, the planting of seedlings in islands of high diversity, and the collection of seeds for maintenance of genetic variability

Este artigo trata-se de uma discussão geral do raciocínio e a teoria da nucleação como uma maneira de facilitar a restauração florestal.

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Relação entre o solo e a composição florística de remanescentes devegetação natural no Município de Ribeirão Preto, SP (Relationship between soil and floristic composition of native vegetation remnants in the municipality of Ribeirão Preto,SP)

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Evolução estrutural de reflorestamentos de restauração de matas ciliares no Médio Vale do Paranapanema (Structural evolution of planted riparian forests in the Mid Paranapanema Valley, SP, Brazil)

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Cobertura De Copas Como Indicador De Desenvolvimento Estrutural De Reflorestamentos De Restauração De Matas Ciliares No Médio Vale Do Paranapanema, SP, Brasil

This study analyzed crown cover in riparian forests 1 to 3 years after reforestation in the Médio Vale do Rio Paranapanema, São Paulo, Brazil to evaluate the technique as a means to monitor the progress of restoration. Using a line inspection technique, crown cover significantly correlated with age, height, basal area, and DBH. The authors concluded that this is a suitable technique for planted riparian forests up to 3 years in age to evaluate changes in forest structure, and suggest that models might be developed to predict crown cover based on age and site variability.

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Impacto humano afeta negativamente a dispersão de sementes de frutos ornitocóricos: uma perspectiva global (Human impact affects negatively the seed dispersal in ornithochorous fruits: a global perspective)

This literature-based analysis used data from a number of existing studies of seed dispersal by birds to compare the effects of plant characteristics and human impact on bird choice and seed dispersal. The study found that plant morphological characteristics did not effect on the frequency of bird visits or fruit consumption. However, the human impact on each site did have a significant effect. Areas with high human pressure had more than 3 times fewer visits and fruit consumed by birds. These data may be important for restoration efforts in gauging the intensity of seed rain for tree species dispersed by birds.

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Restauração de paisagens e desenvolvimento socioambiental em assentamentos rurais do Pontal de Paranapanema (Landscape restoration and socioenvironmental development in rural settlements in Pontal de Paranapanema)

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