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Responses of 20 Native Tree Species to Reforestation Strategies for Abandoned Farmland in PanamaBackgroundIn the tropics, deforestation often leads to unproductive agriculture and results in degraded grasslands. This study seeks to understand why forests fail to regenerate naturally in these ecosystems. Open access copy available |
Scolel'te Plan Vivo ProjectBackgroundStarting with a pilot program in 1994, the Scolel'te Project is one of the longest running projects in the Plan Vivo network. It is an ecosystem services program that focuses primarily on reforestation in the Chiapas region of Mexico. Open access copy available |
Amazonian Forest Restoration: An Innovative System for Native Species Selection Based on Phenological Data and Field Performance IndicesbackgroundIn this article, data is presented from 14 years of evaluating native species from primary forests in Para State, Brazil for their potential use as reforestation trees on a bauxite mine. Available with subscription or purchase |
Árboles de uso multiple en El Salvador: Un manual para propagación y reforestación (Multipurpose trees in El Salvador: a manual for propagation and reforestation)EspañolAntecedentesEl Salvador es uno de los países del hemisferio oeste con mayor deforestación . En el año 1998 este país contaba con tan solo el 2% de sus bosques originales en pie. A pesar del interés de la población en realizar actividades de reforestación, existe una gran falta de información sobre especies nativas adecuadas para este fin. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoration of dry tropical forests in Central America: A review of pattern and processBackgroundMuch information on restoration and management exists for wet tropical forests of Central America but comparatively little work has been done in the dry forests of this region. Such information is critical for reforestation efforts that are now occurring throughout Central America. This paper describes processes of degradation due to land use and provides a conceptual framework for the restoration of dry tropical forest, of which less than 2% remains intact. Open access copy available |
Potential of Agroforestry and Plantation Systems in Indonesia for Carbon Stocks: an Economic PerspectivebackgroundOpen access copy available |
Evaluation of Reforestation Potential of 83 Tree Species Planted on Imperata cylindrica Dominated Grassland – A case Study from South Kalimantan, IndonesiabackgroundIn this study, 83 tree species (native and exotic) were tested for their growth and survival in species selection trials in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Available with subscription or purchase |
Attempting Restoration of Wet Tropical Forests in Costa RicaBackgroundThis article describes a reforestation effort of the Tropical Forestry Initiative using mixed stands of native species to recover abandoned pastureland in the tropical wet forest of Costa Rica. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Structure and Composition of a Tropical Dry Forest Landscape After Land Clearance; Azuero Peninsula, PanamabackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Restoring abandoned pasture land with native tree species in Costa Rica: Effects of exotic grass competition and lightBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Establecimiento de seis especies arbóreas nativas en un pastizal degradado en la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México (Establishment of six native tree species in a degraded pasture at Lacandon Rainforest, Chiapas, Mexico)EspañolAntecedentesEn este trabajo se evalúa el efecto de tratamientos de deshierbe y fertilización sobre el desempeño de plántulas de seis especies arbóreas nativas en un pastizal degradado en la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México. Open access copy available |
Hacia una silvicultura sostenible en el trópico seco: el caso de la Finca Piedra Rala, Nicaragua (Towards sustainable silviculture in dry tropical forests: the case of Finca Piedra Rala, Nicaragua)El autor explica la experiencia de los productores en el manejo racional de pequeñas áreas de bosque tropical seco y analiza como la silvicultura racional tiene una capacidad de regeneración de los bosques naturales poco productivos en la zona del Pacífico de Nicaragua. En la finca estudiada, el bosque es sometido a un sistema de aprovechamiento tradicional, desarrollado como una iniciativa del propietario. Open access copy available |
Evaluación técnica y financiera de la silvicultura desarrollada en un bosque natural de la Guayana venezolana (Technical and financial evaluation of silvicultural management in the Venezuelan Guayana)Los autores analizan el funcionamiento de una empresa forestal que ejecuta, desde 1996, un plan de ordenación y manejo forestal en un bosque seco tropical, El Dorado- Tumeremo, con una superficie productiva 66 000 ha (Estado Bolívar, Venezuela). Se aprovechan unas 30 especies según diámetros mínimos de corta, clasificadas según su potencial comercial: las comerciales (Hymenaea courbaril, Pouteria caimito, Spondias mombin, Cordia alliodora, Andira sp., Manilkara bidentata y Peltogyne pubescens), las potenc Open access copy available |
Changes in Plant Species Composition Within a Planted Forest in a Deciduous Agroecosystem in GhanaBackgroundEarly-successional tree plantations can promote regeneration of second-growth mixed-species forests. While non-native species have been studied for their role in enabling second-growth regeneration, this study surveys understories of plantations of trees native to Ghana in a post-maize site to explore the suitability of native trees for promoting second-growth regeneration. Available with subscription or purchase |
Rehabilitation of Forest-Savannas in Ghana: The Impacts of Land Use, Shade, and Invasive Species on Tree RecruitmentbackgroundThis study investigates the varying potential of soil seed banks of predominant agricultural land uses for the recruitment of trees from seeds and seedlings in 3 farming communities in a forest-savanna ecological zone in Ghana. Available with subscription or purchase |
Responses of Tree Seedlings to the Removal of Chromolaena odorata Linn. in a Degraded Forest in GhanabackgroundThis study assesses the effects of Chromolaena odorata, a dense grass removal on native trees seedlings in a degraded dry semi-deciduous forest in Ghana. Available with subscription or purchase |
Regeneration of Timber Species following Selective Logging in a Moist Semi-Deciduous Forest in GhanabackgroundThis study examines the types and frequency of natural regeneration and growth of timber tree species in 4 logging gaps: loading bays, tree-fall, primary and secondary skid trails with forest shade as control in a moist semi-deciduous forest in Ghana. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Restoration of Degraded Forests in Ghana: A Case Study in the Offinso Forest DistrictbackgroundOpen access copy available |
18 Secondary Forests in West Africa: A Challenge and Opportunity for ManagementbackgroundThis chapter discusses the importance and threats to secondary forests in West Africa, and the description of the floristic diversity and forest succession in secondary forest ecosystems. In addition, silvicultural and complementary management systems and the opportunities and challenges related are also discussed. Open access copy available |
Involving Local Farmers in Rehabilitation of Degraded Tropical Forests: Some Lessons from GhanabackgroundThis study is an analysis of a community-based tree planting project in Ghana using the taungya systems with indigenous trees. The project was sponsored by the Forestry Research Institute of Ghana (FORIG), the government of Ghana, and the International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). The goal of the tree planting in the project was to improve forest rehabilitation as well as local livelihoods. Available with subscription or purchase |