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Semillas que germinan: experiencias comunitarias en la costa (Seeds that germinate: community experiences in the coast)Open access copy available |
Reforestation and Regrowth in the Human Dominated Landscapes of South AsiabackgroundThis study evaluates the drivers of reforestation and regrowth in South Asia using case studies and a meta-analysis of 24 papers. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Lembo System: A Model for Agroforestry in Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems of East KalimantanbackgroundThis article describes the Lembo system of agroforestry, a traditional practice by the Dayak people in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In Lembo gardens, around 127 species of woody plants are cultivated, and up to 40 different species can be found per 0.25 ha 90% of which are trees. In those gardens, there is also a large diversity of wild, uncultivated plants. Available with subscription or purchase |
Tropical Forestry Practices for Carbon SequestrationBackgroundCarbon sequestration through forestry has the potential to play a significant role in ameliorating global environmental problems such as atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases and climate change. This chapter provides an overview of various aspects related to carbon sequestration through forestry. Open access copy available |
Restoring Forest Landscapes in the Face of Climate ChangebackgroundThis book chapter focuses on how forest restoration can serve as an adaptive management strategy to climate change, especially given the positive impacts restoration can have for people and biodiversity. Open access copy available |
Importance of Input Classification to Graph Automata Simulations of Forest Cover Change in the Peruvian AmazonBackgroundIn an area of Peru difficult for remote sensing imaging of deforestation and regeneration, the authors evaluate landcover and detect changes in landuse using novel data simulation techniques. Open access copy available |
Forest Expansion in Northwest Costa Rica: Conjuncture of the Global Market, Land-Use Intensification, and Forest ProtectionbackgroundThis article examines the land cover conversion trends in Costa Rica, a topic that is widely studied in developed coutries but less so in developing. Available with subscription or purchase |
Forest Landscape Restoration in ContextbackgroundThis book chapter describes the need for improved management of reforestation projects and affirms the value of a landscape-based approach. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Bigger Picture: Tropical Forest Change in Context, Concept and PracticebackgroundThis article discusses differing concepts of reforestation between the fields of forest science and land change science. Most data from the field of forest science is small in scale and evaluates growth and production from the perspective of use of wood products. Available with subscription or purchase |
Forest Transition in Vietnam and Bhutan: Causes and Environmental ImpactsbackgroundThe authors evaluate the history of forest transition Vietnam and Bhutan. Available with subscription or purchase |
Reforestation: Conclusions and ImplicationsBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
A Tri-Partite Framework of Forest Dynamics: Hierarchy, Panarchy, and Heterarchy in the Study of Secondary GrowthBackgroundAs tropical forests continue to experience high levels of land use and land cover change (LULCC) as well as returning secondary growth, the literature is expanding to provide theoretical explanations for these processes. This report presents a three-part framework of forest dynamics that integrates multiple theoretical explanations for LULCC and secondary growth. Available with subscription or purchase |
Three Paths to Forest Expansion: A Comparative Historical AnalysisbackgroundThis chapter describes various forms of reforestation and why those should be chosen. The author evaluates three reforestation methods and the conditions in which they will continue. Available with subscription or purchase |
What is the State of Tropical Montane Cloud Forest Restoration?backgroundOpen access copy available |
Reforestation of an Indonesian Tropical Forest: The Win-Win Approach of a Private Japanese FirmBackgroundAs one of Japan's largest forestry firms, Sumitomo Forestry Company, Ltd. provides a unique approach to a sector that is increasingly faced with pressures due to population and economic growth. This resource examines on initiative by the firm, the Sebulu experimental forest project in the eastern part of Kalimantan, Indonesia. Open access copy available |
The Reforestation Value Chain for the PhilippinesbackgroundOpen access copy available |
Seedling Production Methods of DipterocarpsBACKGROUNDAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Experience with Planting Dipterocarps in Peninsular MalaysiaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Reforestation Experiences with Dipterocarp Species on GrasslandbackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Agroforestry as a Tool for Landscape RestorationbackgroundOpen access copy available |