Aménagement forestier et participation: quelles leçons tirer des forêts communales du Cameroun? (Forest management and participation: what lessons can we pull from communal forests in Cameroon?)

Aménagement forestier et participation: quelles leçons tirer des forêts communales du Cameroun? (Forest management and participation: what lessons can we pull from communal forests in Cameroon?)

The authors compare forest management of large concessions to that of smaller communal forests. They describe a shift in forest management from the state to a more local and participatory framework at the level of the commune. Finally, the authors speculate whether this decentralization of power over the forests will result in more sustainable management practices for Central Africa tropical forests.



Poissonnet M, Lescuyer G. Aménagement forestier et participation : quelles leçons tirer des forêts communales du Cameroun ?. VertigO. 2005. doi:10.4000/vertigo.4290.


  • CIRAD Forêt, Montpellier, France