Forests, atmospheric water and an uncertain future: the new biology of the global water cycle
This article provides a review of the connection between vegetation cover and climate, with a specifical focus on forests and rain. The author details how there are shortcomings in knowledge concerning how tree cover influences water-cycles, which are both highly complex and important. In order to direct readers to potential research opportunities in this field, the article highIights advances and uncertainties in this field through reviewing it's major research themes.
Conclusion & Takeaways
The author states that while there are debates in the relationship between tree cover and water, there is consenus that it plays a critical role in providing fre water. Therefore, he calls on an intensification of forest restoration and conservation efforts in order to ensure their roles in sustaining atmospheric water
Forests, atmospheric water and an uncertain future: the new biology of the global water cycle. Forest Ecosystems. 2018;5. doi:10.1186/s40663-018-0138-y.
- Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)