The Potentials of 20 Indigenous Tree Species for Soil Rehabilitation in the Atlantic Forest Region of Bahia, Brazil
This research presents the effects of 20 native tree species planted in 1974-1975 on different soil conditions in Bahia, Brazil.
Research Goals & Methods
In pure stands of the native species (some nitrogen-fixing) as well as a nearby 25 year old secondary forest, primary forest, and mixed-species plantation, soils were evaluated for the following conditions: depth, % carbon, % nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, calcium, magnesium, dry weight of forest floor litter, pH, and nodules.
Conclusions & Takeaways
The highest litter accumulation was in plantations of Licania hypoleuca, Arapatiella psilophylla, Bombax, macrophyllum, Hymenaea aurea, Inga affinis, Macrolobium latifolium, Parapiptadenia pterosperma and Pithecellobium pedicellare (these species had more litter accumulation than the secondary forest plot). The highest nitrogen in leaves on the forest floor was found in plantations of Bowdichia virgilioides, Centrolobium minus, and Inga affinis (all N-fixing). The authors suggest that mixed-tree plantations can offer more ecological benefits than monospecific plantations. By studying in these conditions, trees that provide different benefits can be selected to complement each other. For example, trees that increase soil C and N can be mixed with those that increase pH or cations and those that increase extractable P in the surface soil.
The Potentials of 20 Indigenous Tree Species for Soil Rehabilitation in the Atlantic Forest Region of Bahia, Brazil. The Journal of Applied Ecology. 1995;32:841. doi:10.2307/2404824.
- Yale University, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, New Haven, CT
- Greenpeace, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- CEPLAC, Itabuna, Bahia, Brazil