Cassia siamea

Ecological Restoration of Coal Mine-Degraded Lands in Dry Tropical Climate: What has been done? And what needs to be done?


This paper discusses known methodology for how to restore native forest to abandoned coal mines. The paper splits the process of reclaiming abandoned coal mines into two sections, 1.) physical, technical, or engineering restoration and 2.) Biological Restoration. It also stresses taking a landscape scale approach to restoration, which includes 1.) an initial survey of the area, 2.) determination of the ultimate landscape objectives, and after restoration landuse possibilities, 3.) preparation of working plans for each phase of the restoration operation.

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The Role of Revegetation for Rehabilitation of Sodic soils in Semiarid Subtropical Forest, India


This study relies on a  case study evaluate the rehabilitation of barren land within a larger forest ecosystem. The article indicates that restoration opportunities exist even with severely degraded land where natural succession does not occur without management practices.

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Modified Taungya System in Ghana: A Win–Win Practice for Forestry and Adaptation to Climate Change?


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Reforestation of the Abutia Plains by indigenous communities in the Volta Basin (Ghana) ex post evaluation


Deforestation an degradation in Ghana has been an on-going issue, with one-third of the country's forested area reporting lossed between 1955 to 1972. This has been due to increased human acitivities and the effects have been further aggravated by socio-economic issues. In 1994, the government of Ghana adapted a Forest & Wildlife Policy and established a program for reforestation that involved a variety of stakeholders.

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Agroforestry Training Program: Taking Action, Reaching Out


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Restoration of degraded forest land in Thailand: the case of Khao Kho


This chapter discusses the deforestation of Khao Kho district, situated in Thailand’s central highlands, in the 1970s and restoration efforts in the 1990s. Over 75% of the district was forested until 1968, when as a counterinsurgency strategy the Royal Thai Army began to build roads, deforest the district and encourage agricultural settlement in this heretofore intact forest. Deforestation and maize cultivation on these steep hillsides, often with already-poor soil quality degraded in situ, led to rapid degradation with farming untenable by 1990. A UNDP-funded reforestation project – managed by the Army – was initiated in 1990.

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Evaluation of Reforestation Potential of 83 Tree Species Planted on Imperata cylindrica Dominated Grassland – A case Study from South Kalimantan, Indonesia


In this study, 83 tree species (native and exotic) were tested for their growth and survival in species selection trials in South Kalimantan, Indonesia.

Research Goals & Methods

The trees were planted between January 1987 and December 1988 in areas dominated by the exotic grass Imperata cylindrica and weeding was conducted twice a year.

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Árboles de uso multiple en El Salvador: Un manual para propagación y reforestación (Multipurpose trees in El Salvador: a manual for propagation and reforestation)



El Salvador es uno de los países del hemisferio oeste con mayor deforestación . En el año  1998 este país contaba con tan solo el 2% de sus bosques originales en pie. A pesar del interés de la población en realizar actividades de reforestación, existe una gran falta de información sobre especies nativas adecuadas para este fin.

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Poverty reduction in the Doi Mae Salong Landscape


The Doi Mae Salong Landscape has experienced deragadation in ecosystem services due to a variety of reasons along with the significant poverty and high risk to climatic variations. The IUCN partnered with the Supreme Commander’s Office of the Royal Thai Armed Forces to pursue forest restoration and support local livelihoods. The program ran from 2010 to 2013 in the Chiang Rai Province of Thailand.

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