Cornus disciflora

Sobrevivencia del duraznillo (Prunus annularis) en plantación forestal y en sistemas agroforestales (Survival of Prunus annularis in agroforestry systems)

Open access copy available

Rehabilitación de algunas propiedades químicas de los suelos con ensambles experimentales de leñosas nativas y Casuarina equisetifolia en Veracruz (Rehabilitation of soil chemical properties with native woody assemblies)

Open access copy available

Experimental Tree Assemblages on the Ecological Rehabilitation of a Cloud Forest in Veracruz, Mexico


This research evaluates the survival of 10 native tree species planted in a heavily degraded montane forest in Veracruz, Mexico.

Available with subscription or purchase

Cloudbridge Reforestation Project


The mission of the Cloudbridge Reforestation Project is to rebuild a deforested part of tropical cloud forest using native trees to bridge a gap between two mountainside forests.  Local people as well as tree consultants are hired to plant the native species.  

Open access copy available
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