Dicranopteris pectinata
A Strategy for Restoration of Montane Forest in Anthropogenic Fern Thickets in the Dominican RepublicBackgroundThis study looked at the potential of different tree species to grow in clearings in fern-dominated thickets in a state of arrested succession. It was conducted in the Ébano Verde Scientific Reserve in the Dominican Republic with subtropical montane forest. Research Goals & MethodsThe authors cleared fern-dominated shrubs with machetes and planted 18 species of early and late successional trees and shrubs with and without a single application of fertilizer. Available with subscription or purchase |
La vegetación leñosa en helechales y bosque de ribera en la reserva científica Ebano Verde, República Dominicana (Woody vegetation in fernlands and riparian forests in Ebano Verde scientific reserve, Dominican Republic)SpanishAntecedentesDe 1940 a 1970, áreas deforestadas en la Cordillera Central de la República Dominicana fueron sujetas a incendios rutinarios lo cual causó erosión intensa y llevo al establecimiento de Dicranopteris pectinate, una especie de helecho de sotobosque. Esta especie de helecho rápido forma comunidades estables que inhiben el crecimiento de especies maderables e impide la sucesión natural del bosque. Se ha observado un fenómeno similar dentro de la Reserva Científica Ébano Verde en la República Dominicana. Open access copy available |