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Restoring dense vegetation can slow mountain erosion to near natural benchmark levelsBackgroundTropical mountain areas may undergo rapid land degradation as demographic growth and intensified agriculture cause more people to migrate to fragile ecosystems. To assess the extent of the resulting damage, an erosion rate benchmark against which changes in erosion can be evaluated is required. Benchmarks reflecting natural erosion rates are usually not provided by conventional sediment fluxes, which are often biased due to modern land use change, and also miss large, episodic events within the measuring period. Available with subscription or purchase |
Effect of Vegetation Restoration on Soil and Water Erosion and Nutrient Losses of a Severely Eroded Clayey Plinthudult in Southeastern ChinaBackgroundIn this study, researchers compare erosion from reforested and degraded sites in subtropical southeastern China. Goals & MethodsThe objective of the study was to estimate the long-term influences of reforestation on soil and water erosion and nutrient losses in regions of southeast China that are characterized by severely eroded bare land derived from Quaternary red clay. The study examined surface runoff, soil erosion, and soil nutrient content. Available with subscription or purchase |
Deforestation and Reforestation of Latin America and the Caribbean (2001–2010)backgroundThis study examines contrasting forest cover change dynamics in Latin America and the Caribbean using MODIS satellite imagery. Many studies have documented deforestation, while others report forest recovery. This study seeks to analyze these trends on a large scale and connect them to environmental and population variables. Available with subscription or purchase |
A Preliminary Working Plan for the Public Forest Tract of the Mindoro Lumber and Logging Company, Bongabon, Mindoro, Philippine IslandsSummaryThis is a Bureau of Forestry management plan for a 20-year concession held by the Mindoro Lumber and Logging Company. The document provides site description, descriptions of different forest types, stand types, and tree species, yield tables for different forest types, brief financial analysis, and description of minor forest products. (wood properties, growth habit, etc) Available with subscription or purchase |
Philippine Dipterocarp Forests
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Reforestation in the Philippines, Proceedings from the Fourth Pacific Science Congress, Java
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Using ecosystem valuation to protect the Atlantic Rainforest: the case of the Oasis ProjectBackgroundThe article explores the Oasis Project, which is a payment for ecosystem services program that aims to protect the Atlantic Forest in Brazil. The program was established in 1990 in response to the destruction of the forest. The Oasis Project aims to provide drinking water to approximately 17 million in the Sao Paulo metropolitan region by financially compensating landowners engaged in maintaining forest cover in their proprieties. Available with subscription or purchase |
Deep Soil Moisture Storage and Transpiration in Forests and Pastures of Seasonally-Dry AmazoniabackgroundThis study, conducted in the seasonal rainforest of Northern Brazil (Para), compares re-growth of pasture, mature forest, and natural forest (capoeira). Goals & MethodsThe study assessed the impacts of land-use change on plant-available water (PAW) and evapotranspiration (ET). To do so, they measured volumetric water content (VWC) at 8 m below three nearby ecosystems over four years, including a mature evergreen forests, an adjacenet pasture, and a second-growth forest on abandoned pasture land. Available with subscription or purchase |
Reforestation and FarmersBackgroundThis chapter provides an overview of reforestation programs involving smallholder farmers, highlighting factors that influence the attractiveness of reforestation to different types of farmers. Available with subscription or purchase |
Faustian Bargains? Restoration Realities in the Context of Biodiversity Offset PoliciesbackgroundThis article presents an analysis of the effectiveness of forest restoration as a mechanism to offset biodiversity loss. Available with subscription or purchase |