Restoring Ecological Functions

Restoring Ecological Functions


This is a chapter from the book Forest Restoration in Landscapes. In this chapter, the authors argue that active restoration is sometimes necessary to facilitate or restore ecosystem restoration and involve local communities. Examples include the removal of invasive plants or the creation of deadwood snags. However, policy conflicts might occur where restoration is necessary in designated wilderness areas (more applicable to North America and Europe). In other areas, soil needs to be stabilized in order to ensure survival of planted species; this can include use of exotic species or ferns, even though this may slow the eventual growth of the native forest.

conclusions & takeaways

A case study is provided demonstrating the ways WWF has worked in the Atlantic forests of Brasil where restoration activities were combined with planting and sustainable harvest of heart of palm (Euterpe edulis) and yerba mate (Ilex paraguarensis). The authors state that the fruit of yerba mate attracts birds and facilitates overall forest recovery. This is one example of the argument the authors are making to advocate for active restoration combined with local community participation.




Mansourian S, Vallauri D, Dudley N. Forest Restoration in Landscapes. Springer New York; 2005. doi:10.1007/0-387-29112-1.


  • WWF