Project or Program Report

Hiniduma Biolink Project, Sri Lanka - Reforesting traditional home gardens using the analog forestry concept in wet zones of Sri Lanka


The Hinidum Biolink Project is a cooperative effort between the Conservation Carbon Company and Rainforest Rescue International that aims to build a biodiversity corridor between two remnant forests in Sri Lanka. The document is a plan for this Plan Vivo project, developed in June 2011.

Open access copy available

National Potential and Priority Maps for Tree-Based Landscape Restoration in Ethiopia


This technical report was created by Ethiopia's Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change (MEFCC) and the World Resources Institute (WRI) as a first step in Ethiopia's large-scale forest restoration efforts aimed to improve livelihoods and address climate change. 

Open access copy available

Les initiatives de restauration des paysages forestiers du WWF (WWF's Forest Landscape Restoration Initiatives)

The pamphlet provides an overview of WWF's forest landscape restoration (FLR) projects worldwide.


Open access copy available

Rwanda Environmental Threats and Opportunities Assessment (ETOA)


This report provides a background on the state of the environment in Rwanda.  The authorrs write this report to fulfil a legal requirement of the US, Foreign Assistance Act (FAA), which requires that a Tropical Forests and Biodiversity Analysis be conducted in conjunction with the development of new foreign assistance strategies and programs.  The report is also intended to identify opportunities to better integrate USAID's portfolio across development sectors by suggesting linkages with economic growth, agriculture, democracy and governance, health, and education activities.

Open access copy available

Plan d'amenagement et de gestion de la foret galerie de Makera: 2009-2013 (Management plan for the Makera gallery forest: 2009-2013)

This report provides a biologic, economic, and sociologic context for the state of the Makera gallery forest in Rwanda.The authors provide plans for management, ongoing research, and community engagement with the forest.

Open access copy available

Ecological Study of Kirisia Forest Reserve


In order to inform a 2009 Conservation Enterprise Development Program, a preliminary ecological survey was carried out at the Kirisia Forest Reserve in Samburu District, Kenya. The survey was in response to an aerial survey conducted by the Wilderness Foundation UK that examined potential drivers of forest destruction.

Open access copy available

Analysis of Drivers and Underlying Causes of Forest Cover Change in Various Forest Types of Kenya


This study presents findings on the nature and extent of major drivers and underlying causes of land cover change; mainly deforestation and forest degradation in various ecoregions of Kenya. In 2010, Kenya joined the global initiative spearheaded by the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Fund (FCPF)to reduce emissions of carbon from deforestation and forest degradation and the role of conservation of forest carbon stocks, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (REDD+).

Open access copy available

National Forest Policy of Malawi


In Malawi, there has been extensive forest degradation, estimated at an annual loss of 2.8%. The degradation is caused by a variety of factors, including agriculture expansion, human settlement, fire use, timber and non-timber over extraction. The 2016 Forest Policy of Malawi outlines a policy-approach to stop and revert these trends. 

Open access copy available

Malawi State of Environment and Outlook Report: Environment for Sustainable Economic Growth


Although Malawi’s rich natural resources – forests, fertile soils, water resources, and fisheries – offer opportunity for sustainable development, mismanagement of these resources and poverty-related resource exploitation pose a risk for resource degradation. This periodic (2010) State of the Environment and Outlook report discusses trends, threats and opportunities in the environmental, health, demographic, industrial and agricultural sectors.

Open access copy available

Maintenance of Hydropower Potential in Rwanda Through Ecosystem Restoration: World Resources Report Case Study


Rwanda’s rapidly expanding electricity production is highly reliant on hydropower. However, hydropower as a sole source presents risks during changing global and regional hydrological conditions.

Open access copy available
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