Montane Forest

Bosques andinos del sur de Ecuador, clasificación, regeneración y uso (Andean Forests of Southern Ecuador, classification, regeneration and use)



A pesar de la gran diversidad e importancia de los bosques montanos tropicales, existe muy poca información disponible sobre ellos, incluyendo inventarios y descripciones.

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Bosques relictos de los Andes peruanos: Perspectivas economicas (Relict forests of the Peruvian Andes: Economic perspectives)



Los bosques relictos de la zona noroccidental del Perú presentan un alto grado de endemismo pero se encuentra fuertemente fragmentados y reducidos. Estos bosques juegan además un papel importante en la protección de las cuencas de agua para las ciudades y la irrigación agrícola en la costa, en términos de calidad y almacenamiento de agua. Sin embargo, existe limitada información sobre su potencial económico y recursos fitogenéticos.

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Satellite Data-Based Phenological Evaluation of the Nationwide Reforestation of South Korea


South Korea's reforestation efforts since the 1950s have been evaluated for changes in biomass, area, and growing stock, but little has been done to study the phenology changes (seasonal changes) and photosynthetic activity, which will help in the preparation of new forest management in light of climate change.

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Carbon Sequestration Potential of Indian Forests


While deforestation in the tropics is a common subject of concern, India has retained a net positive afforestation rate from 1951-2000, with greatest gains after 1980. These efforts have afforested 35 MHa.

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Using Lightweight Unmanned Aerial Vehicles to Monitor Tropical Forest Recovery


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Participatory Forest Monitoring: An Assessment of the Accuracy of Simple Cost–Effective Methods


This article examines the feasibility of implementing participatory forest monitoring to conserve biodiversity and improving livelihoods for local communities. Long-term monitoring of forest conservation sites by professional scientists, is often cost prohibitive and uses techniques irrelevent to local community members, while simpler methods could be learned and implemented by local communities and more affordable.

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Mapping Species Composition of Forests and Tree Plantations in Northeastern Costa Rica with an Integration of Hyperspectral and Multitemporal Landsat Imagery


This article discusses the improvement in accuracy of remote sensing to monitor and evaluate reforestation projects by combining moderate-resolution and hyperspectral imagery with multi temporal, multispectral data. The combination of these technological monitoring methods allows researchers to accurately classify general forest types and tree plantations by species composition.

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Can Pinus Plantations Facilitate Reintroduction of Endangered Cloud Forest Species?


This study tested the hypothesis that pine plantations can simulate the conditions of early forest succession, acting as a habitat for other native or endangered species to establish. In the cloud forest region of central Mexico, some tree species have become endangered due to land use change for both livestock production and tree plantations.

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Coffee Agroforests Remain Beneficial for Neotropical Bird Community Conservation across Seasons


This study compares bird community composition in coffee agroforestry systems with secondary forest fragments, while accounting for seasonal bird migration and differences in bird detectability between habitats. It was conducted in the San Luis Valley of northwest Costa Rica, a montane forest region that encompasses many microhabitats.

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Lattice-Work Corridors for Climate Change: A Conceptual Framework for Biodiversity Conservation and Social-Ecological Resilience in a Tropical Elevational Gradient


In the region of Monteverde, communities rely on ecotourism, coffee farming, dairy cattle farming and sugarcane production to making their livings. The Pacific-slope forests are highly fragmented, and while a large biological corridor has already been proposed, it neglects certain key riparian corridors that would facilitate species migrations and range shifts, as well as protect the downstream water sources.

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