Coastal or Floodplain Forest

Forty Years of Tropical Forest Recovery from Agriculture: Structure and Floristics of Secondary and Old-growth Riparian Forests in the Dominican Republic


The value of secondary forests in the tropics has received increased attention in recent years. The recovery of tropical forests from agricultural use, given the increase in abandoned agricultural lands, has gained momentum. Yet, few long-term studies of post-agriculture vegetation recovery in the tropics exist. The study compares 40-year-old secondary forests regenerating naturally after agricultural abandonment with old-growth forests in the Dominican Republic's Cordillera Central.

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Conservation, green/blue grabbing, and accumulation by dispossession in Tanzania


A number of scholars point out that current processes surrounding the control of land and other resources lead to the loss of land for some alongside the accumulation of wealth by others. According to them, recent forms of neoliberal conservation enable capital accumulation by powerful groups through shifts in ownership and access over common land away from communities. The authors of this paper sought to compare wildlife and coastal conservation projects in Tanzania to understand the similarities and differences in the types of dispossessions and accumulation that occur in these two types of ecosystems through conservation programs.

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Oil palm expansion without enclosure: smallholders and environmental narratives


Oil palm expansion has been shown to cause deforestation and reduce land and resource availability for communities located near plantations. It has also been shown to have mixed impacts on local livelihoods. Some studies point to socially different impacts, with small and marginal farmers less likely to benefit from oil palm expansion while others find significant increases in incomes. This paper seeks to understand the factors that make smallholder farmers participate in oil palm expansion, and outline the varied narratives that are used by the proponents of oil palm expansion.

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Targeted habitat restoration can reduce extinction rates in fragmented forests


Habitat lost is one of the primary drivers of species extinction. This study examines two highly-fractured ecosystems, the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania and the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, and evaluates the rate at which habitat loss may lead to extinction and thus biodiversity loss. Specifically, the authors use halflife vs. area relationship to determine how long it will take to lose one-half of all tropical bird communities in each habitat. 

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Tropical forest restoration: Fast resilience of plant biomass contrasts with slow recovery of stable soil C stocks


The study looks at three land-use types: 1) land left barren after a clear-cut in the 1950s, with only a sparse cover of shrubs, grasses, and vines, 2) a Eucalyptus exserta plantation established in the 1960s, and 3) a eucalyptus plantation that was clear-cut in 1974 and converted into a plantation of native tree species, now considered a secondary forest. The biomass and soil carbon (C) of these three land-use types were compared to a nearby natural old-growth forest.

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Sprouting, succession and tree species diversity in a South African coastal dune forest


This study examines the role of sprouting in the maintenance of plant diversity where prevailing disturbance frequency and severity allows, specifically, in the coastal dune forest of Kwazulu-Natal. 

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Mangrove recruitment after forest disturbance is facilitated by herbaceous species in the Caribbean


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Ecological Restoration and Livelihood: Contribution of Planted Mangroves as Nursery and Habitat for Artisanal and Commercial Fishery


This study examines the relationship between planted mangrove habitats and the flow of ecosystem services in the state of Gujarat in Western India. While the thousands of restored hectares in this region are not representative - they are mostly comprised of Avicenna marina, are sparse, and lack fresh water - the study does fill a knowledge gap concerning mangrove restoration.

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Riparian restortion for protecting water quality in tropic agricultural watersheds


In the Sarapui River watershed in southeastern Brazil, the water quality system was measured for six subwatersheds in the region.  In addition to measuring the subwatersheds, the entire watershed system was also measured and compared to a simulation model that included riparian zones throughout the river watershed.

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Assessing social values of ecosystem services in the Phewa Lake Watershed, Nepal


Over 40 years, Community-Based Forestry has actively been practiced in Nepal, which aims to integrate human societies, social values and biophysical systems.  Using the Phewa watershed as a case-study, this paper evaluates the social values for ecosystem services and their importance to different stakeholders. This approach seeks to assess quantitatively how diferent users value the different ecosystem services perceived from a specific ecosystem. Authors carried on interviews and group sessions to assess according to a numeric scale different ecosystem services.

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