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Mangrove Reforestation at Six Lakes


Mangrove forests provide a wide range of benefits; they are used as spawning grounds for fish, have medicinal properties, and protect against flood waves. Yet, mangroves around the world are being degraded. Specifically, in 2004 in Sri Lanka a Tsunami severely damaged the countries mangrove forests. The Mangrove Reforestation at Six Lakes aims to remedy this destruction.

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Programa Nacional Para La Conservaction, Restauracion y Manejo Der Ecosistema De Bosque Seco En Nicaragua



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Plan de restauración de los manglares en Puerto Villamil Isla Isabela – Galapagos (Plan for restoration of mangroves in Galapagos)



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Annual report of the director of forestry of the Philippine Islands for the period 1907-1913


This report contains a number of sections relevant to early reforestation activities in the Philippines, including research on succession pathways, restoration experiments on degraded lands, tree nursery operations, and native species.

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Annual report of the director of forestry of the Philippine Islands for the period 1915-1924


This report contains a number of sections relevant to early reforestation activities in the Philippines, including research on succession pathways, restoration experiments on degraded lands, tree nursery operations, and native species.

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BCTL: Mangrove Reforestation Project, Coast of Thailand


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Reforestation of mangroves after severe impacts of herbicides during the the Viet Nam war: the case of Can Gio


Due to years of armed conflict and the extensive use of toxic chemicals in Vietnam in the 1960s, tens of thousands of hectares of mangrove forests were destroyed. In 1978, the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minhi City recognized this lost and began investing in reforestation efforts.  

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Community-based Mangrove Reforestation and Management in Da Loc, Vietnam


In 2005, the Da Loc commune in Vietnam was hit by Typhoon Damrey, causing major flooding and the destruction of agricultural lands. The dikes that upheld through the storm were surrounded by mangroves, thus a program was devised to increase adaptation and mitigation strategies to strong storms through mangrove reforestation.

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Taking Back the Land: Factors Aiding or Constraining Regeneration of Damaged Mangrove Forests in South Andaman Island


The mangrove forests in the Andaman Islands of India have suffered severe decline, which has only been enhanced by the 2004 tsunami season. While there has been numerous resources and efforts put into restoring and reforesting these mangroves, much of them have been futile. This study seeks to understand why.

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