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Survival and Growth of Seedlings of 19 Native Tree and Shrub Species Planted in Degraded Forest as Part of a Forest Restoration Project in Madagascar's Highlands


This study compares the survival rates of 19 native tree and shrub species grown in a forest restoration project in Madagascar’s highlands. The study results are used to compare the survival of relatively short seedlings compared to relatively tall seedlings for all species combined in order to test the importance of seedling size for restoration.

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Factors Limiting the Survival of Native Tree Seedlings used in Conservation Efforts at the Edges of Forest Fragments in Upland Madagascar


This study investigates the survival of tree seedlings 15 months after planting in grasslands along the edges of tropical forest fragments damaged by fire in four restoration treatments in upland Madagascar.

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Fire Control as a Simple Means of Promoting Tropical Forest Restoration


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Desempeño de tres especies arbóreas nativas del bosque tropical caducifolio en un proyecto de restauración ecológica en el Cerro Punhuato, Morelia, Michoacán (Performance of native tree species)


objetivos y metodología

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Evaluación de la regeneracion de Acacia decurrens, Acacia melanoxylon y Ulex europaeus en áreas en proceso de restauración ecológica (Regeneration study of different Acacia species)

Esta investigación busca establecer la dinámica de regeneración de Acacia decurrens, Acacia melanoxylon y Ulex europaeus dentro del proceso de restauración ecológica adelantado en el Parque Nacional Enrique Olaya Herrera, por el Jardín Botánico José Celestino Mutis, Bogotá, Colombia.

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Establecimiento de un sistema silvopastoril mediante las especies Alnus acuminata H.B.K. y Acacia decurrens Willd y respuesta al empleo de organismos rizosféricos en San Pedro (Antioquia)



EL monocultivo y uso excesivo de  fertilizantes  en pasturas del trópico alto, han desencadenado problemas ambientales así como un inadecuado manejo sanitario y nutricional del ganado.

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Intensive Tree Planting Facilitates Tropical Forest Biodiversity and Biomass Accumulation in Kibale National Park, Uganda


This study investigates how intensive planting affects tropical forest regeneration and biomass accumulation in reforested sites in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The study assessed species richness of naturally regenerating (i.e. non-planted) species in the park and compared the biomass accumulation of planted versus naturally regenerating trees in sites replanted by the Uganda Wildlife Authority.

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Effects of Canopy Cover and Understory Environment of Tree Plantations on Richness, Density and Size of Colonizing Woody Species in Southern Ethiopia


This study investigates the effects of canopy characteristics and associated understory environmental factors of tree plantations on native woody species colonization in two broadleaved and two coniferous plantations in southern Ethiopia. The plantation forests investigated are surrounded by dry Afromontane natural forest.

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Caracterización sucesional para la restauración de la reserva forestal Cárpatos, Cundinamarca, Colombia (Characterization of the succession for restoration in Colombia)



Con base en la caracterización florística y estructural se analizaron cuatro etapas del proceso de sucesión secundaria, dentro de una matriz de vegetación que había sido objeto de pertubación (185 ha) en la Reserva Forestal Cárpatos, localizada en la cordillera Oriental, entre 2600 y 3000 msnm, con el objetivo de contribuir a la preparación de un protocolo de restauración.

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Evaluación preliminar de la sustentabilidad de una propuesta agroecologica, en el subtrópico del altiplano central de México (Preliminary assessment of the sustainability of an agroecological proposal in the the central highlands of Mexico)

Frente al creciente interés del uso de enfoques sistémicos para la evaluación de sustentabilidad como herramienta de toma de decisions, los autores realizaron la evaluación de una finca universitaria ubicada en el subtrópico del Altiplano Central de México.

En la primera fase del estudio (2004) se realizaron la caracterización, el diagnóstico y la evaluación inicial.

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Desarrollo del dosel de leguminosas bajo diversas condiciones de restauración ecológica en bosque de pino – encino de Michoacán, México (Legume canopy development under various conditions of ecological restoration in pine-oak forests of Michoacan, Mexico)



research goals & methods

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Expediting Reforestation in Tropical Forests Grasslands: Distance and Isolation from Seed Sources in Plantations


This study investigates the potential use of tree plantations to facilitate regeneration of indigenous trees in successionally arrested grassland. It focuses on how characteristics of the plantations and native species can determine the type of regeneration occurring in Kibale National Park, Uganda.

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A 10-year evaluation of the functional basis for regeneration habitat preference of trees in an African evergreen forest


This study reports on the growth and survival of experimentally planted tree seedlings in the understory over a 10-year period in a moist evergreen forest at Kibale National Park in Western Uganda. 

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Forest Succession in Kibale National Park, Uganda: Implications for Forest Restoration and Management


This sudy examines forest succession in 4 plots in former grasslands adjacent to mature forests in Kibale National Park, Ngogo, Uganda. These plots were located in areas protected from fire for .58,25,9 and 30 years for plots 1,2, 3, and 4 respectively.

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Enrichment Planting Does Not Improve Tree Restoration when Compared with Natural Regeneration in a Former Pine Plantation in Kibale National Park, Uganda


This study assesses the rate of biomass accumulation of planted seedlings relative to natural regeneration in a harvested plantation in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Enrichment planting was carried out in an area where a pine plantation had been harvested to determine the relative value of these management options.

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Recovery of Plant Species Richness and Composition in Abandoned Forest Settlement Area in Kenya


This paper examines natural regeneration of tree species in a former forest village settlement that had been cultivated and abandoned in Mau forest, Kenya. Following 19 years of abandonment, the site consists of 3 zones of recovery due to different degrees of degradation before abandonment, continued grazing, selective logging and firewood collection. The zones are grass zone (GZ), transition zone I (TZ I) and TZ II and secondary forests (SF).

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Suitability of the Taungya System at North Kilimanjaro Forest Plantation, Tanzania


This study analyses a taungya system in a north Kilimanjaro plantation forest in Tanzania. This study assesses the costs and revenues resulting from this system and the impacts to agriculture.

Research Goals & Methods

Field research was conducted to assess survival, food crop yield, financial feasability.

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Diseño metodológico de restauración de la reserva forestal Cárpatosguasca – Cundinamarca,Colombia (Methodological design for the restoration of Carpatosguasca forest reserve in Guasca-Cundinamarca, Colombia)



El estudio tiene por objectivo generar un protocolo de restauración para la Reserva Forestal Cárpatos, localizada en el municipio de Guasca, Cundinamarca, Colombia. El estudio presenta tratamientos de manejo de gramíneas invasoras que facilitan el establecimiento de especies pioneras y la recuperación paulatina de las áreas degradadas.

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Germinación y propagación de Senna septemtrionalis con fines de restauración ecológica del area natural protegida Cerro del Punhuato (Propagation of Senna septemtrionalis for ecological restoration of a natural protected area)

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Lessons Learnt from WWF’s Worldwide Field Initiatives Aiming at Restoring Forest Landscapes


This document provides a series of case studies about forest landscape restoration projects from across the WWF network. The authors provide overall lessons as well as country-specific lessons. The authors summarize lessons learned across programs for the different stages of restoration programs.

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