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Survival and Growth of Under-Planted Trees: A Meta-Analysis Across four Biomes


This article is a meta-analysis synthesizing the results of survival and growth of under-planted trees in forests in tropical, temperate coastal, boreal, and temperate deciduous forests. Additionally, the survival and growth of these underplanted trees are evaluated according to the silvicultural treatment affecting density of the overstory: uncut, dense shelterwood, intermediate density shelterwood, light density shelterwood, clear cut.

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Direct Seeding to Restore Tropical Mature-Forest Species in Areas of Slash-and-Burn Agriculture


Direct seeding of three mature-forest species into areas of slash-and-burn agriculture was conducted to evaluate the germination and establishment of these species.

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Restoration of dry tropical forests in Central America: A review of pattern and process


Much information on restoration and management exists for wet tropical forests of Central America but comparatively little work has been done in the dry forests of this region. Such information is critical for reforestation efforts that are now occurring throughout Central America. This paper describes processes of degradation due to land use and provides a conceptual framework for the restoration of dry tropical forest, of which less than 2% remains intact.

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Especies para reforestación en Nicaragua (Species for Reforestation in Nicaragua)


This manual provides information about multipurpose trees in Nicaragua.

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Maya Nut Reforestation


Maya Nut is an NGO that seeks to find balance between people, forests, and food. While they do not run a reforestation program directly, they do work closely with communities to reforest degraded lands throughout Latin America. The mission of the program is to conserve the Maya nut tree, Brosimum alicastrum, by planting trees and teaching rural and indigenous women to harvest and process the seed for food and income.

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Tree biodiversity in farmer cooperatives of a shade coffee landscape in western El Salvador


Conservation of tropical biodiversity in agricultural landscapes has become more important as the area covered by natural ecosystems decreases. Understanding the types of biodiversity common in agriculturally managed lands, and involving farmers in conservation planning, is important for regional conservation goals.

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Establecimiento de seis especies arbóreas nativas en un pastizal degradado en la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México (Establishment of six native tree species in a degraded pasture at Lacandon Rainforest, Chiapas, Mexico)



En este trabajo se evalúa  el efecto de tratamientos de deshierbe y fertilización sobre el desempeño de plántulas de seis especies arbóreas nativas en un pastizal degradado en la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México.

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Evaluación técnica y financiera de la silvicultura desarrollada en un bosque natural de la Guayana venezolana (Technical and financial evaluation of silvicultural management in the Venezuelan Guayana)

Los autores analizan el funcionamiento de una empresa forestal que ejecuta, desde 1996, un plan de ordenación y manejo forestal en un bosque seco tropical, El Dorado- Tumeremo, con una superficie productiva 66 000 ha (Estado Bolívar, Venezuela). Se aprovechan unas 30 especies según diámetros mínimos de corta, clasificadas según su potencial comercial: las comerciales (Hymenaea courbaril, Pouteria caimito, Spondias mombin, Cordia alliodora, Andira sp., Manilkara bidentata y Peltogyne pubescens), las potenc

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Los árboles en la ganadería del trópico seco (Trees in agroforestry systems in the tropical dry forest)

Los autores destacan la importancia de la vegetación arbórea nativa, tanto de especies leguminosas como no leguminosas, manejadas ya sea de forma empírica o siguiendo un método científico de algunos sistemas silvopastoriles presentes en el estado de Colima, México. Se enfatizan las características nutricionales tanto del follaje como de los frutos. Se describen algunos sistemas silvopastoriles, entre ellos: el manejo de cocotero en la región costera, los árboles en los potrero

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Restauración de la cobertura vegetal en la reserva forestal Monte Alto. Hojancha, Guanacaste (Restoration of vegetation cover in Monte Alto, Costa Rica).

Los autores realizaron un estudio sobre el proceso sucesional en áreas de potrero en recuperación a bosque primario en la parte alta de la cuenca del Río Nosara, cantón de Hojancha, provincia de Guanacaste.

Se identificaron cuatro tipos de fases sucesionales: potrero en recuperación, bosque pionero, bosque secundario y bosque primario intervenido. Estas áreas se encontraron en dos zonas de vida: bosque húmedo tropical y bosque muy húmedo premontano.

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Ecología forestal de algunas especies arbóreas de interés para la reforestación y restauración del Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl (Forest ecology of tree species of interest for reforestation of Parque Ecológico Tuzandepetl)



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Crecimiento Inicial de Especies Arbóreas Multipropósito en un Terreno Ganadero del Norte de Veracruz (Initial Growth of Multipurpose Tree Species in a Rancher Land in Northern Veracruz)



El establecimiento de plantaciones forestales es útil para la restauración de áreas degradadas por la expansión de actividades ganaderas. SIn emabargo, información básica sobre el crecimiento inicial de especies arbóreas es aún escasa.

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Impacts of Early- and Late-seral Mycorrhizae during Restoration in Seasonal Tropical Forest, Mexico


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Patterns of Seed Longevity and Germination in the Tropical Rainforest


This article reviews the factors that affect seed longevity and germination in tropical trees by providing an introduction to literature on the subject.

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The Role of Seed Banks in Vegetation Dynamics and Restoration of Dry Tropical Ecosystems


This paper reviews studies on seed banks in tropical dry forests, comparing them with wet tropical and subtropical vegetation.

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Combining ecological, social and technical criteria to select species for forest restoration


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