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The Lembo System: A Model for Agroforestry in Dipterocarp Forest Ecosystems of East KalimantanbackgroundThis article describes the Lembo system of agroforestry, a traditional practice by the Dayak people in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. In Lembo gardens, around 127 species of woody plants are cultivated, and up to 40 different species can be found per 0.25 ha 90% of which are trees. In those gardens, there is also a large diversity of wild, uncultivated plants. Available with subscription or purchase |
Tropical Forestry Practices for Carbon SequestrationBackgroundCarbon sequestration through forestry has the potential to play a significant role in ameliorating global environmental problems such as atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases and climate change. This chapter provides an overview of various aspects related to carbon sequestration through forestry. Open access copy available |
Reforestation of an Indonesian Tropical Forest: The Win-Win Approach of a Private Japanese FirmBackgroundAs one of Japan's largest forestry firms, Sumitomo Forestry Company, Ltd. provides a unique approach to a sector that is increasingly faced with pressures due to population and economic growth. This resource examines on initiative by the firm, the Sebulu experimental forest project in the eastern part of Kalimantan, Indonesia. Open access copy available |
The Reforestation Value Chain for the PhilippinesbackgroundOpen access copy available |
Seedling Production Methods of DipterocarpsBACKGROUNDAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Experience with Planting Dipterocarps in Peninsular MalaysiaBackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Reforestation Experiences with Dipterocarp Species on GrasslandbackgroundAvailable with subscription or purchase |
Ulu Masen REDD+ initiative, Aceh, IndonesiaBackgroundThe area of the Ulu Masen Conservation Area has been degraded due to an illegal logging boom after the tsunami as well as increasing agricultural expansion. The Ulu Masen REDD+ initiative was developed by the Government of Aceh (GoA) to address these issues. Open access copy available |
Forests for the Future: Growing and Planting Native Trees for Restoring Forest EcosystemsbackgroundThis book provides an accessible and practical guide to forest restoration. The text focuses on reforestation in Thailand and offers insights into reforestation in other tropical countries. Open access copy available |
Case investigation on the participation of women in reforestation in the PhilippinesbackgroundThis study explores gender-based participation in small-scale reforestation projects in the Philippines. Seedlings of a native pine, Pinus kesiya, and exotic Eucalyptus were planted through small-scale projects led by groups called Peoples’ Organizations. Full resource not available online |
Helping Forests to Help Themselves—Accelerating Natural RegenerationbackgroundThis chapter walks through the basic techniques of accelerated (or assisted) natural regeneration (ANR), describing when it is appropriate, when it should be combined with other techniques, how to increase the seed rain, and areas of needed research. Open access copy available |
How to Improve Adoption of Agroforestry Systems Among Small Farmers in Peruvian AmazonbackgroundThis article surveys factors affecting the acceptibility rate of a multistrata agroforestry system. Research Goals & MethodsSmall farmers from three communities in central Peru were surveyed and data was collected on farm and houshold characteristics, cultivated crops and tree species, and agroforestry practices. Open access copy available |
Arboles de Centroamerica: un Manual para Extensionistas (Trees of Central America: a Manual for Extentionists)EspañolAntecedentesLos agricultores de Centro América afrontan una compleja realidad que usualmente no es considerada en las iniciativas de manejo sostenible, lo que repercute en la falta de éxito de estas. En un esfuerzo por insertar las necesidades reales de los agricultores a estas actividades, este manual busca cubrir la brecha de información relacionada a especies arbóreas nativas de América Central. Available with subscription or purchase |
Restoration of Tropical Forest EcosystemsBACKGROUNDOpen access copy available |
Indigenous Trees in West African Forest Plantations: The Need for Domestication by Clonal TechniquesbackgroundThis study evaluates native species tree plantations across West Africa by summarizing existing information on the yield of those plantations, with particular focus on the Cameroon Forest Management and Regeneration Project. It considers the potential for vegetative propagation and clonal selection to increase growth rates and marketability of native species. Open access copy available |
18 Secondary Forests in West Africa: A Challenge and Opportunity for ManagementbackgroundThis chapter discusses the importance and threats to secondary forests in West Africa, and the description of the floristic diversity and forest succession in secondary forest ecosystems. In addition, silvicultural and complementary management systems and the opportunities and challenges related are also discussed. Open access copy available |
Manual para restauração florestal: florestas de transição (Manual of forest restoration: transition forests)Open access copy available |
Reforestation and FarmersBackgroundThis chapter provides an overview of reforestation programs involving smallholder farmers, highlighting factors that influence the attractiveness of reforestation to different types of farmers. Available with subscription or purchase |
Manejo e recuperação de mata ciliar em regiões florestais da Amazônia (Management and recovering of riparian forests in forest regions of the Amazon)Open access copy available |
Managing Forest Remnants and Forest Gardens in Peru and IndonesiaOpen access copy available |