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Soil organic matter dynamics during 80 years of reforestation of tropical pastures


Land disturbance affects soil physical and chemical properties. Some properties may be recovered over long periods of reforestation. Mosaic-pattern landscapes with shifting usages over time, common in the mountainous tropics, can reveal dynamic soil properties. This study reports on changes in soil carbon over 80 years of secondary forest growth on abandoned pasture over a chronosequence in Puerto Rico.

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The Role of Native Species Plantations in Recovery of Understory Woody Diversity in Degraded Pasturelands of Costa Rica


This study analyzes the understory recruitment success of tropical timber plantations in order to understand biodiversity recovery on degraded lands through the use of fast-growing timber plantations. The study takes place in the Atlantic humid lowlands of Costa Rica. 

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Human Ecological Questions for Tropical Restoration: Experiences from Planting Native Upland Trees and Mangroves in the Philippines


This article evaluates the human ecology of reforestation in the Philippines under the Bais Bay Development Action Program. Reforestation is considered in upland riparian as well as coastal mangrove areas.

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Performance of 45 Native Tree Species on Degraded Lands in Singapore


This paper evaluates research on the reforestation potential of 45 native tree species in Singapore, with a specific focus on identifying species that can quickly form a closed canopy.

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Tropical Montane Forest Restoration in Costa Rica: Overcoming Barriers to Dispersal and Establishment


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Ecological Considerations for Using Dipterocarps for Restoration of Lowland Rainforest in Southeast Asia


In this article, the authors present ecological factors that should be considered when engaging in dipterocarp forest restoration in Southeast Asia. Because many dipterocarps are insect-pollinated, have poor seed dispersal, have low density of reproductive adults, and have recalcitrant seeds, planting of nursery-reared tree seedlings could increase the ability of dipterocarp forests to regenerate.

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The Sabah Biodiversity Experiment: A Long-Term Test of the Role of Tree Diversity in Restoring Tropical Forest Structure and Functioning


This article details the initial stages of an experiment in Borneo which aims to study the relationship between tree diversity and lowland dipterocarp rainforest functioning during restoration after selective logging.

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Temperatura ótima de germinação de sementes de espécies arbóreas brasileiras (Optimun temperature for germination of seeds of Brazilian tree species)

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How Successful is Tree growing for Smallholders in the Amazon?


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Creative Ecology: Restoration of Native Forests by Native Trees


This article describes how the "native forests by native trees" restoration method used in Japan was applied to reforestation in Malaysia, and later in Brazil, Chile, and parts of China.

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Strategies for the Recovery of Degraded Ecosystems: Experiences from Latin America


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Public Awareness Generation for the Reforestation in Amazon Tropical Lowland Region


This study compares two plots of native tree species, one that was planted with small numbers of species representing potential natural vegetation and another that was planted with many species, including fast-growing pioneers.

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Optimising Seedling Management: Pouteria sapota, Diospyros digyna, and Cedrela odorata in a Mexican Rainforest


This study compares the height growth of three native tree species (Pouteria sapota, Diospyros digyna, and Cedrela odorata) during the first two years after transplantation from a nursery in three plot types (primary rainforest, secondary forest, and open pasture) in Veracruz, Mexico.

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Use of the Amazonian Tree Species Inga edulis for Soil Regeneration and Weed Control


This article presents research on leguminous tree-based fallows using Inga edulis in Peru.

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Biomass Growth and Farmer Knowledge of Inga edulis in Peruvian Amazon


This study develops an equation for diameter-based biomass estimation of Inga edulis. The tree is widely grown in the Peruvian Amazon as a naturally occurring early-successional tree and in small farms and gardens for fruit and fuelwood.

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The Role of Rustic Coffee Plantations in the Conservation of Wild Tree Diversity in the Chinantec Region of Mexico


This study examines the potential of shade coffee systems to promote native tree diversity across the landscape of southern Mexico.

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Biodiversity Conservation in Traditional Coffee Systems of Mexico


This article discusses the capacity of traditional coffee agroforestry systems for maintaining biodiversity levels.

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Plantaciones forestales con especies nativas: Una alternativa para la producción de madera y la provisión de servicios ambientales (Native species tree plantations: and alternative for wood production and environmental services)

Se presenta un panorama general del desarrollo de las actividades de plantaciones forestales en Costa Rica, así como algunos resultados de ensayos de rehabilitación de áreas degradadas con especies forestales nativas en la Estación Biológica La Selva. Durante 12 años, se midió anualmente el crecimiento y la producción de biomasa aérea de doce especies nativas en rodales mixtos y puros, como asi también la fertilidad del suelo bajo plantaciones puras de cuatro especies forestales nativas.

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Appropriate Measures for Conservation of Terrestrial Carbon Stocks: Analysis of Trends of Forest Management in Southeast Asia


The ASEAN countries of Southeast Asia have seen rapid deforestation and subsequent carbon losses in the past few decades, as lands are cleared for other land uses. This study analyzes the implications of different land management scenarios on carbon stocks.

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Restauración ecológica de bosques tropicales en Costa Rica: efecto de varios modelos en la producción, acumulación y descomposición de hojarasca




Este estudio se llevó a cabo en Coto Brus, y se enfoca en la restauración de paisajes agrícolas fragmentados dentro del Corredor Biológico Amistosa. El mismo es un área prioritaria para la forestería y la conservación en Costa Rica que ha sido degradrada y transformada por la expansión agrícola durante los pasados 50 años, dejando solo un 25% del bosque original.

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