Biomass Growth and Farmer Knowledge of Inga edulis in Peruvian Amazon

Biomass Growth and Farmer Knowledge of Inga edulis in Peruvian Amazon


This study develops an equation for diameter-based biomass estimation of Inga edulis. The tree is widely grown in the Peruvian Amazon as a naturally occurring early-successional tree and in small farms and gardens for fruit and fuelwood.

research goals and methods

Biomass samples of 35 trees were taken including both leafy and woody biomass. These data were plotted against biomass equations based on diameter at 10 cm. Diameter at 10 cm is used rather than diameter at breast height due to the tree’s branching habit. The study also included interviews with farmers to identify usage patterns of the tree.

Conclusions & Takeaways

An adequate biomass measure of Inga edulis can be obtained using the equation y = 0.0466x2.3713 based on diameter at 10cm. the tree is widely used in farms and home gardens, especially on sloped terrain, for food, fuelwood, fodder, shade, and soil improvement.


Lojka, B., Preininger D., Lojkova J., Banout J., Polesny Z. 2005, Biomass Growth and Farmer Knowledge of Inga edulis in Peruvian Amazon, Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica, vol. 38, no. 3-4, pp. 44-51.


  • Institute of Tropics and Subtropics, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Prague, Czech Republic