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Seed rain and seed limitation in a planted gallery forest in BrazilBackgroundSeed dispersal by wind (anemochorous) and animals, usually birds and bats (zoochorous), is an important driver of succession. This study examines seed rain in a planted gallery forest (riparian corridor) in Brazil. Available with subscription or purchase |
Growth analysis of nine multipurpose woody legumes native from southern MexicoBackgroundDeforestation in Mexico has produced significant soil degradation. Reforestation with native leguminous shrubs and trees can contribute to restoration of soil properties. This study evaluates early growth of nine leguminous tree and shrub species in nursery conditions in an ejido (communal agricultural land) in southern Mexico. Available with subscription or purchase |
Isolated Trees and Grass Removal Improve Performance of Transplanted Trema micrantha (L.) Blume (Ulmaceae) Saplings in Tropical PasturesbackgroundThis research evaluates the survival and growth of saplings of Trema micrantha when transplanted into recently abandoned pastureland in southeast Mexico. Trema micrantha is a pioneer species native to Mexico with ecological and physiological properties that would make it viable for planting in open fields. Available with subscription or purchase |
Amazonian Forest Restoration: An Innovative System for Native Species Selection Based on Phenological Data and Field Performance IndicesbackgroundIn this article, data is presented from 14 years of evaluating native species from primary forests in Para State, Brazil for their potential use as reforestation trees on a bauxite mine. Available with subscription or purchase |
Árboles de uso multiple en El Salvador: Un manual para propagación y reforestación (Multipurpose trees in El Salvador: a manual for propagation and reforestation)EspañolAntecedentesEl Salvador es uno de los países del hemisferio oeste con mayor deforestación . En el año 1998 este país contaba con tan solo el 2% de sus bosques originales en pie. A pesar del interés de la población en realizar actividades de reforestación, existe una gran falta de información sobre especies nativas adecuadas para este fin. Available with subscription or purchase |
Reforestation of Abandoned Pastures: Seed Ecology of Native Species and Production of Indigenous Plant MaterialbackgroundThis book chapter provides important considerations for sustainable native species reforestation efforts. The authors suggest that although using native species is more prevalent than ever before, there has been little attention to the provenance of the trees used and the genetic diversity within species. Available with subscription or purchase |
Plantas nativas para reforestación en el Ecuador (Native plants for reforestation in Ecuador)Este trabajo ofrece información de más de 261 especies nativas a Ecuador para orientar en la selección de especies y el establecimiento de plantaciones forestales para reforestación. La descripción de las especies incluye información de la estructura de la planta, frutos, propagación, región/altitud donde se encuentran, suelos y otras características ambientales, usos comunes, dibujos morfológicos de la planta y otras observaciones. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Potentials of 20 Indigenous Tree Species for Soil Rehabilitation in the Atlantic Forest Region of Bahia, BrazilbackgroundThis research presents the effects of 20 native tree species planted in 1974-1975 on different soil conditions in Bahia, Brazil. Available with subscription or purchase |
Especies para reforestación en Nicaragua (Species for Reforestation in Nicaragua)BackgroundThis manual provides information about multipurpose trees in Nicaragua. Available with subscription or purchase |
Understory Development in Young Cordia alliodora PlantationsbackgroundThis article presents the findings of a study evaluating the biomass and composition of understory plants in 1- and 5- year old plantations at the La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. Available with subscription or purchase |
Large-scale Ecological Restoration of High-Diversity Tropical Forests in SE BrazilbackgroundThis article examines 32 ongoing reforestation projects in Sao Paulo State, Brazil, which are conducted on areas of large sugarcane farms and small mixed farms. Available with subscription or purchase |
Growth characteristics of some native tree species used in silvopastoral systems in the humid lowlands of Costa RicaBackgroundDegraded pastures established throughout Central America in the latter 20th C are gradually transitioning to silvopasture or secondary forest. Understanding growth characteristics of trees on these lands is important for proper management. Available with subscription or purchase |
Woody Understory Plant Diversity in Pure and Mixed Native Tree Plantations at La Selva Biological Station, Costa RicaBackgroundThis study compares the species richness, abundance, and seed disperal method of individuals growing in the understory of native single-species plantations, native mixed-species plantations, and naturally regenerating (non-planted) areas of the La Selva biological station in Costa Rica. Available with subscription or purchase |
Soil Responses to restoration of a tropical pasture in Veracruz, South-Eastern Mexico.BackgroundChanges in land use and land cover may affect soil properties and processes. Conversion of forest to pasture is assumed to result in a decrease in soil nutrients. Restoration to healthy grassland or forest may lead to an increase in soil nutrients. This paper reports on a study on soil responses to restoration of a tropical pasture in Veracruz, Mexico. Available with subscription or purchase |
Local and Regional Environmental Variation Influences the Growth of Tropical Trees in Selection Trials in the Republic of PanamabackgroundThis study evaluates the effect of varying site conditions on the basal area of 21 neotropical and 2 exotic tree species at three different sites in Panama. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Tree Planting and Protecting Culture of Cattle Ranchers and Small-Scale Agriculturalists in Rural Panama: Opportunities for Reforestation and Land RestorationbackgroundThis study examines the relationship between farmers and trees in the tropical dry forest in two rural communities of Panama, focusing on the uses and values that small landholders assign to local tree species, both native and exotic. Available with subscription or purchase |
Evaluation of Andean Alder as a Catalyst for the Recovery of Tropical Cloud Forests in ColombiabackgroundThis study compares the species composition and structural diversity of 30-year-old alder plantations with adjacent, naturally regenerated forests of the same age. The study seeks to determine if alder plantations are an appropriate catalyst for forest regeneration for conserving biological diversity and to determine if the differences between the two forest types are maintained over time. Available with subscription or purchase |
Reasons for reforestation success and failure with three mangrove species in ColombiaBackgroundThis study examines the mortality and growth rates of the propagules, seedlings and saplings of three native mangrove species (A. germinans, L. racemosa, and R. mangle) in order to determine the ecological factors that influence tree growth and survival in deforested mangroves with restored hydrologic conditions on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Available with subscription or purchase |
Direct Seeding of Late-Successional Trees to Restore Tropical Montane ForestbackgroundThis study measures seed germination, seedling establishment, survival, growth and foliar nutrient content of five late-successional tree species which were directly seeded into three different habitats representing different stages of succession in tropical montane Costa Rica.The study also compares the costs of direct seeding with locally collected seeds with planting nursery-raised seedlings. Available with subscription or purchase |
The Effect of a Teak (Tectona grandis) Plantation on the Establishment of Native Species in an Abandoned Pasture in Costa RicabackgroundThis study compares native tree species recruitment in the understory of a 10-year-old teak plantation in premontane wet forest in Costa Rica to the native tree species recruitment on nearby abandoned agricultural land. Available with subscription or purchase |