ASRI Restore -Marsellas site

ASRI Restore -Marsellas site


The purpose of this project is to restore the natural regeneration cycle in order to convert grassland into forest in the Gunung Palung National Park in Kalimantan BaratAdditionally, the project aims to build social capital, provide alternative income opportunities and provide education.

GOALS & Approach

Working with communities around Gunung Palung National Park,  the project creates and implements programs that support human health, economic development, and environmental conservation. In 2009, 4 ha of trees were planted, and in 2010 6 ha were planted. The future goal of the project is to increase the size and replicate the systems in other areas.  

Reported takeaways

So far, the local community has been supportive of and demonstrated enthusiasm for restoration in the location the organization operates. Locals also involved and employed in all steps of the process. The projects reduce logging, increase wellbeing, regenerate the rainforest, and create a climate solution that also lifts local people from poverty.



“Rainforests and Communities.” n.d. Health In Harmony (blog). Accessed December 29, 2019.


  • AlamSehatLestari (ASRI)